Dissolving the root of conflict and war. Emerson College, UK. 2017

James Low Emerson College, East Sussex, UK. July 13-16, 2017 Dissolving the root of conflict and war: the focus was on letting go of dualistic structures and judgement. In these troubled times we need to take peace as a practice. This annual camping retreat in  the grounds of Emerson College in East Sussex  is organised by Huw Wyn. James begins by […]

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Teaching retreat on the six bardos. Gutenstein 2017

The Stages of Life and Death. Each stage or Bardo has its own key focus of intention setting out the tasks to be attended to. Using Karma Lingpa’s Root Verses of the Bardo we will clarify how to use each stage as an opportunity for awakening. James Low teaching at the Maitreya Institute, Gutenstein, Austria. 30th June – 2nd July […]

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