Two public talks. Warsaw, Jan 2017

Finding calm in a time of turbulence: a Buddhist point of view James Low Evening of 27 Jan 2017 at  the Asia and Pacific Museum Audio Recorded by Janek Szlagowski. Organised by Konrad Świtała Translating by Magura (Maciej Góralski ) English and Polish Staying relaxed and open whatever occurs: using dzogchen meditation to release habits of splitting, neurotic fixation and enmeshment […]

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Contemplation: the end of striving…Barcelona, 2016

Life is busy with many demands and spiritual practice can become just another demand so it is useful to find the quick path to rest in our own true nature. This is the heart of Buddhist Dzogchen. This Talk was organised by Basili Llorca at Play English with Spanish translation Download here

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2016

In this longer retreat, James gave an initiation into a tantric mahayoga/anuyoga practice of Padmasambhava together with a full explanation of the practice and how to apply it in all areas of life.

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Compassion and non-duality. Frankfurt, 2016

James Low Tibethaus, Frankfurt, Germany. 10 Oct 2016 Organised by Martin Brüger German translation by Frank Hoffmann Duration 01:34:58 45.6 MB .mp3 Compassion and Non-duality In buddhism compassion has different aspects – as aspiration, as focused activity and as an intrinsic quality of our buddha nature. We will look at each of these aspects and explore the non-duality of wisdom […]

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Take it easy: equanimity in the face of provocation. Emerson College, 2016

1-3 Jul 2016 This annual camping retreat in  the grounds of Emerson College in East Sussex  is organised by Huw Wyn. Recorded by Gaynor O’Flynn and Wendy Chozom Audio edited by w.c. “The dzogchen view and practice is a beautiful and effective method to free ourselves and others from anxiety, alienation and confusion. Focussing on the actuality which is always present, although often […]

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Space and time. Gutenstein, 2016

Gutenstein Retreat (Austria). 10-12 June 2016 German and English Translator: Sylvester Lohinger Topic: Space and time: the Dzogchen view of the miracle of being. This view and simple and direct practice frees us from the illusion of being something finite and vulnerable. Download here

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Depth and light. Vienna, 2016

Vienna Public Talk (Austria). 09 June 2016 German and English Translator: Sylvester Lohinger Topic: Depth and light: these are the central factors in our existence but often are obscured by the way we fixate on the details of the passing moment. Download here

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