Seeing clearly, acting gracefully. Todtmoos, 2016

James Low Retreat, 3-5 June 2016 Todtmoos, Germany Translator: Robert Jaroslawski German and English This can also be watched on video. Seeing clearly, acting gracefully. “Buddhist texts suggest that we function under the power of obscuration, veils within us due to which, although our eyes are dulled and opaque, we believe that we see clearly. Two main types of obscuration are described, those […]

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Peaceful engagement. Freiburg 2016

Public Talk 2 June 2016, Freiburg, Germany Peaceful Engagement. Being ethically active in this turbulent world, without burning out, is an admirable goal. Buddhism offers clarity as to how it can be achieved. James begins by saying that he will explore how we can engage with the world without being overwhelmed. German and English Translator: Robert Jaroslawski   Download here

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The natural freedom of the mind. Geneva, 2016

Geneva, 19-20  March 2016 James Low The view of dzogchen points to the intrinsic simplicity of awareness free of the turbulence of thoughts and emotions.  These teachings are structured around practising meditation and The Three Statements of Garab Dorje. Organised by Manon Widmer Translating by Manon Widmer Recording prepared by Cyril Obadia You can read the transcript here. 7 .mp3 files. Download here

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The natural freedom of the mind. Geneva, 2016

Public talk. Geneva, 18  March 2016 James Low Book launch of “Oeuvres choisies de C. R. Lama” translated by Manon Widmer “The view of dzogchen points to the intrinsic simplicity of awareness free of the turbulence of thoughts and emotions. We will practise the meditation that allows us to awaken to what is always already here”. You can read the […]

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Being right here. Badowo, 2016

6-8 May 2016, Badowo, Poland The retreat teachings are based on James Low’s book, Being Right Here which is available in Polish as Byc tu i teraz. Polish and English Translator: Bartłomiej Czajkowski Audio recording:  Janek Szlagowski   Download here

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Commentary on the text “The Mirror of clear meaning”. Aracena, 2016

28 April – 2 May 2016 Aracena (near Seville), Spain James Low Commentary on the text “The Mirror of clear meaning“, a dzogchen terma text of Nuden Dorje. The text can be read in James Low’s book “Being right here“, translated into Spanish by Marta Pérez-Yarza as  “Aquí y Ahora“. Spanish translation by Juan Bautista Audio edited by Eduardo Polonio Download […]

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2016

Emptiness, space and display. How the Heart Sutra reveals the space of dzogchen. All dharma points to the same inexpressible truth. You can also watch the video recording here. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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