Awakening to our buddha nature. Ponzone, 2016

Awakening to our buddha nature, Ponzone,Italy 4-6 March 2016 James makes reference to his book “Being Right Here” which is translated in Italian as Esserci (Casa Editrice Astrolabio -Ubaldini Editore, 2005) 15 videos clips on Vimeo Location: Ponzone (AL) Italy Language: English and Italian Recordings by Centro Mindfulness Milano Download here

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Why emptiness is liberating. London, 2016

James Low,  teaching in London on 25 February 2016 at the invitation of Shang Shung Institute. “Awakening to the fact of there being nothing frees us from the endless quest for something. Our problem is the seeming ‘thing-ness’ of things, our sense that we exist as some-‘thing’ in a world of many different ‘things’. The reification which imputes a real […]

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Buddhism and creativity [17]. Macclesfield, 2016

“Meditation can give a fresh outlook which promotes creativity. We will explore the dzogchen view that everything we experience is, in fact, the creativity of the mind.

Buddhism would say that ethics is the basis for our experience and that due to causes and conditions we inhabit a particular vision, a mental construct created from a configuration of many factors. Meditation brings the spaciousness and flexibility needed to respond easily in interaction with the world.”

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Mindfulness Project. Milan, 2015

Our habits hide our freedom 14-15 November 2015 Milan, Italy James has been running workshops for Mindfulness Therapists at Centro Mindfulness Milano since 2007. Retreat Mindfulness helps us to see the patterns with which we identify and on which we rely. When we don’t recognise them operating in us we edit our sense of the world and we respond to triggers […]

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