Eifel Retreat Autumn 2018

Intrinsic purity and purity through purification This nine-day retreat took place between 6th October and 14th October 2018. During the retreat James considered various texts with regard to the aspect of purification: The Heart Sutra (Saturday – Sunday) The Meditation and mantra recitation of Prajnaparamita, Mother of All the Buddhas, from Gonpo Wangyal (Sunday, Friday) The Evocation of Samantabhadra (Monday-Tuesday) […]

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Opening to life, public talk. Warsaw, 2018

Opening to life: a public talk. 28 Sept 2018. Buddhism offers a view of life which suggests that the royal road to happiness is to remain relaxed, open and available in all circumstances. The more we are present the more we can let go of our ineffective attempts to avoid or control or manipulate the ever-changing flow of experience. English […]

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Where does it all come from? Austria, 2018 Retreat

James Low Maitreya Institute, Gutenstein, Austria 7-9 Sept 2018 Dzogchen retreat: Where does it all come from? The dzogchen view of the origins of our many patterns of being lost. We will use the text of ” The Aspiration Prayer of Kuntuzangpo” (known in Tibetan as the Kunzang Monlam) to see how the mirage-like illusion emerged, and with it our […]

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