The Natural freedom of the mind. Extract. Geneva, 18-20 Mar 2016

James Low Geneva The Public talk was on 18th March and the retreat was 19-20th March 2016 Both had the same title: The Natural freedom of the mind The transcription is extracts from both events selected and prepared by Martine Widmer. “The view of dzogchen points to the intrinsic simplicity of awareness free of the turbulence of thoughts and emotions.We will […]

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The Natural freedom of the mind. Public Talk. Geneva, 2016

James Low Public talk in Geneva. 18th March 2016 Transcribed by Martine Widmer. Edited by Barbara Terris and A. Bihler. Read or download a PDF of the full transcript  here Listen to the audio recording here. “We are patterns of energy, in a field of energy, within the space of open awareness. We are not the master, neither are we the […]

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Space is the greatest friend we have. Germany, 2017

Space is the greatest friend we have: working and living together in an organisation. A talk given by James Low to the staff in a Buddhist organisation. Germany, 25 October 2017 Transcribed by Tobias Roeder …If someone is a nurse or a social worker or an administrative staff or a manager, whatever their role is, it is like a role […]

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Identität und die Buddha Natur. Berlin, Public Talk, 2017

James Low Nationale Identität, Persönliche Identität und die Buddha Natur Öffentlicher Vortrag, Berlin. 25. Oktober 2017 Transkribiert von Lea Pabst. Editiert von Barbara Terris. Übersetzung von Yvonne Moss. Lesen oder leden Sie ein PDF des Transkripts herunter Sehen Sie sich das Video hier an …geboren zu sein heisst eine Identität zu haben, jemand zu sein. Derjenige aber, der ich bin, ist eine Reihe von […]

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Dissolving the root of conflict and war. Emerson College UK, 2017

James Low begins by saying that we live in very troubled times and that over the next few days we will explore useful ways to participate in the world so that we reduce the amount of tension and anxiety that we feel and we can also promote a sense of peace. This retreat is one of the ‘Into the Wild’ gatherings which Huw Wyn organises in East Sussex and we are indeed going to go ‘into the wild’ because the wildest thing we will ever encounter is our own mind! And this is what we will be encountering here.

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