Opening to what is. Talk, 2012

Opening to what is, and the practice of psychotherapy: a talk given to to C. A. T. therapists in the Munro Clinic, 2012 James Low   Read the talk Extracts …Since therapists work to enliven others, an important aspect of our task is to try to maintain our sense of freedom, flexibility and playfulness in whatever we do. In fact […]

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Awakening in buddhism and psychotherapy. Milan, 2012

A talk for Psychotherapists Noûs, Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Costruttivista, Milan 9 November 2012 James Low Transcribed by Lingkhempa K. Dorje Edited by James Low Download and read the PDF Excerpts …Thoughts, feelings and sensations have no energy of their own. They are like balloons. They arrive inflated with the unpredictable creativity of the winds of the open infinite […]

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Dzogchen and the five elements. Frankfurt 1995

James Low, Frankfurt, May 1995. Transcribed by Liz Fox and edited by Barbara Terris Download PDF Excerpts The only way to get into enlightenment is through love. Love, tenderness and awareness are all very similar in quality, love for ourselves and love for others…. … In dzogchen meditation we pay attention to the balance of the elements both within our […]

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Mindful therapy. Hereford, 2011

A workshop for practising therapists organised by Jennifer French James Low Hereford, 18 November 2011 Transcribed by Kathleen Brady Revised and edited by James Low Download PDF “Our open heart touching and opening the heart of the other. This is non-dual contact, the meeting of sky with sky, the heart of Buddhist ethics.” Contents Beliefs and assumptions, a Buddhist perspective Mind […]

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Die Leerheit des Selbst erkennen. Mailand, 2010

Aus dem Zyklus “Psychologie und Buddhismus” des Mindfulness Project   24.  September 2010 James Low Download PDF Deutsche Übertragung von Sarah S. Monz Auszüge …Aus der Sicht des Dzogchen sind Interaktion und Mitgestaltung viel wichtiger als Dominanz und Kontrolle. D.h., wir arbeiten im Feld unserer Verbindungen, sei es in unserem Körper oder in der äusseren Umwelt… …Wir können geschlossene oder […]

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Die Sichtweise und Praxis von Tregchöd. Eifel Herbst-Retreat, 2013

Enthält Tulku Tsorlo’s Trekcho-Kommentar mit Vimalamitra’s Sieben Grundpunkten und Khorde Rushen Übungen James Low Kamalashila Institut, Deutschland, 17- 20 Oktober 2013 Transkribiert von Vera Neuroth Überarbeitet von Barbara Terris Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Lea Pabst Überarbeitet von Rolf Pabst Laden Sie die Abschrift des ganzen Zufluchtsort, Tage 1-4. Hören Sie die Audioaufnahme des Oktober-Eifel-Retreats Auszug In den Tögal [ཐོད་རྒལ་] Praktiken […]

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The View and practice of trekcho. Eifel Autumn Retreat, 2013

Includes Tulku Tsorlo’s Trekcho commentary using Vimalamitra’s Seven Fundamental Points, and Khorde Rushen exercises. James Low Kamalashila Institute, Germany, October 17 – 20, 2013 Transcribed by Vera Neuroth Edited by Barbara Terris Download the Transcript of Complete Retreat. Days 1-4 Download the Transcript of Day 1.  How Dzogchen and Trekcho fit in to the Buddhist structure Download the Transcript of Day 2. Refuge, Trekcho […]

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