Awake in illusion. Hamburg, 2011

James Low Hamburg Retreat, February 2011 Download PDF Hamburg, Germany 18-20 February 2011 Transcribed by Anne Conn Edited by Barbara Terris Extracts  …In the springtime when you go out in the country you see the small lambs jumping about. This is the mind of a meditator, because the field is open. There is nothing to do except jump about and […]

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Feeling tired. Extract. Hamburg 2011

James Low An extract from the weekend retreat entitled Awake in Illusion Download PDF Hamburg, Germany 18-20 February 2011 Transcribed by Anne Conn Edited by Barbara Terris “…But this kind of experience in meditation like tiredness—in Tibetan they call it jing-wa—means sinking and is described as like being a tired swimmer. You still have to get across the river, you can’t […]

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Open to life: the heart of awareness. Public Talk. Brighton, 2012

James Low Brighthelm Centre, Brighton, UK 2nd December 2012 Transcribed by Michelle Hughes Edited by James Low Dzogchen (the great perfection) is one of the most beautiful expressions of wisdom that has come from Tibet and India. Its essence points to the inherent freedom and clarity that is our natural state. Free from religious or spiritual dogma, it offers a […]

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Anxiety and doubt. [03]. Macclesfield, 2005 (Transcript)

Macclesfield, UK. February 26th, 2005 Most of us have a lot of worries and anxiety in our lives. I will  explain the traditional Nyingmapa understanding of the nature of anxiety, the structures underpinning its development, and show how meditation can help us cut through the root of that development. Transcribed by Kevin Lawrence Edited by Wendy Chozom Excerpts Anxiety is not […]

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Compassion. Berlin Dzogchen Retreat, 1994

My own teacher said to me again and again, “Nothing is special. It’s all just the same.” And if one gets the point of this, one actually realizes it as a living practice. And then compassion towards all sentient beings is maintained by exactly not acting in a way that pays attention to what they identify as the specific causes […]

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