Buddhism and psychotherapy. Public Talk, Bremen, 1994

James Low Download PDF Bremen, Germany 29 January 1994 Transcribed by Liz Fox Unedited Excerpts “Our topic is psychotherapy and buddhism so I will start by saying something about the Buddhist understanding of the mind’s mental processes, and then reflect on that in relation to psychosis, anxiety and depression. After that we can look at whether there is any contribution […]

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Immer schön langsam! Das Herzstück der Dzogchen Lehren. UK, 2010

WILD HEART GATHERING, EAST SUSSEX, UK.  SEPTEMBER 2010 James Low Download the PDF Übersetzt von Kurt Rabitsch Download Audio Textauszüge:   …Wir sind nicht der Inhalt unseres Geistes und trotzdem sind wir untrennbar vom Inhalt unseres Geistes. Der Inhalt unseres Geistes ist Erleben; er ist nicht Selbst-Definition; er ist nicht Essenz. Deshalb, wenn du schlechte Zeiten hast, definieren diese schlechten Zeiten […]

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Die Sicht enthüllt die Welt: Buddhismus und Psychotherapie. UK, 2010

Vortrag in der Cambridge Buddhist Society. UK, 11 März 2010 James Low Download the PDF Übersetzung von Daniel Beierstettel Inhalt Zur Bedeutung des Wortes Sangs-rGye (Tib. für Buddha) 1 Die Sicht des Hinayana. 2 Die Sicht des Mahayana. 5 Die Sicht des Tantra. 6 Die Sicht des Dzogchen. 8 Sangs-rGye im Dzogchen. 9 Ein Zauberberg, Sulfatkristalle und Zuckerwatte. 10 Menschen ernst zu […]

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The Heart of Dzogchen. Eifel, Oct 2012

“What does it mean for me to be me? What is our real identity? Is our identity just what we take it to be – the narratives that we say about ourself – or is identity perhaps something different?
From the point of view of dzogchen, there are many ways to see the constructed way in which we create fantasies of identity about who we are. We may occupy them for some time, but then it becomes impossible to occupy them any more because the present becomes the past.
The present is always becoming the past, so what shall we rely on? This is the central question in dzogchen because if we rely on something unreliable we feel betrayed and we do not feel supported.”

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