So near and yet so far away. Berlin, 2011

Evening public talk in Berlin, Germany. 6 May 2011 James Low Download as PDF Transcribed by Jo Féat Edited by Barbara Terris and James Low Excerpts When we began this evening talk, I noticed a lady out in the garden watering the flowers with a hose. But of course she wasn’t just watering the flowers, she was watering the weeds as […]

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Four foundations of mindfulness. [11]. Macclesfield, 2010

James LowMacclesfield, UK. 16-17 January 2010Transcribed by Sarah Allen We will be looking at how the Four Foundations of Mindfulness can be applied with conscious application and effort, and also from the dzogchen point of view, which indicates that too much effort can be problematic. You can listen to the audio here.  

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Risvegliarsi alla vacuità del sé. Milan, 2010

Centro Mindfulness Project 1, Milano, 24/ 26 settembre 2010. James Low Download as PDF Trascritto da Sarah Allan Edito da Sarah Allan e Barbara Terris Tradotto in italiano da Rita Gastaldi Estratti Possiamo raccontare storie ‘chiuse’ o storie ‘aperte’; possiamo avere la storia della persona esperta o la storia della persona patetica, ma migliore di tutte è la storia che […]

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Awakening to the emptiness of the self. Milan, 2010

Delivered within the Psychology and Buddhism Circle of the Mindfulness Project, Milan.  24th Sept, 2010 James Low Download as PDF    Transcribed by Sarah Allan Edited by Sarah Allan and Barbara Terris Extracts: We can tell closed stories or open stories; we can have the story of the expert person or the story of the pathetic person, but best of all […]

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