Immer schön langsam! UK, Wild Heart Gathering, 2010

Das Herzstück der Dzogchen Lehren Wildheart Gathering, East Sussex, UK, September 2010. James Low Als PDF downloaden   Download Audio Transkribiert und editiert von Sarah Allen Übersetzt von Kurt Rabitsch Textauszüge: Wir sind nicht der Inhalt unseres Geistes und trotzdem sind wir untrennbar vom Inhalt unseres Geistes. Der Inhalt unseres Geistes ist Erleben; er ist nicht Selbst-Definition; er ist nicht […]

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Easy does it. Todtmoos, 2009 and 2010

These are teachings given in Freiburg and Todtmoos during  12-14 June 2009 and 11-12 June 2010. James explains and comments on Patrul Rinpoche Brief and an Extended Commentaries on Garab Dorje’s “Three Essential Points”, translated later as “Three Statements that Hit the Key Points” and often by others as “Hitting the essence in three words”. This text was prepared by […]

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Aspects of mindfulness • London, 2009

To focus is to be mindful, to stay on task without getting distracted. Mindfulness indicates being careful, taking care.  It is the opposite of being careless.  There is a difference between being careless and carefree.  When we are carefree, the general sense is that there is no danger in the environment and so you we can relax and do as […]

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Aspetti della consapevolezza • London, 2009

Conferenza di James Low, Londra 2009 Traduzione dall’inglese, a cura di Rita Gastaldi Download as PDF Estratti “… di momento in momento dobbiamo scegliere se vivere nel mondo dei sogni degli eventi mentali o svegliarci al nostro posto nel mondo così come esso è. Il sogno offre la gratificazione istantanea che le nostre idee e intenzioni siano reali e importanti. […]

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Getting acquainted • Todtmoos, 2009

James taught on Patrul Rinpoche’s commentaries on Garab Dorje’s Three Statements, hitting the main point. This talk is from the preparatory introductory day in Freiburg. It was followed by teaching retreats in Todtmoos Au in 2009 and 2010. Transcribed by Sarah Allen and edited by James Low. Read the teachings from the following days here. Excerpts The great chain of […]

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