All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

First Winter, Then Spring. Teaching retreat. Todtmoos, Apr 2025
April 24 - April 27

First Winter, Then Spring
The retreat will be at the end of April when the buds are starting to open on the tree and bushes. Winter has allowed a die-back in nature so that the sap could return to the roots. This release from the tasks of growing has brought a replenishing of the core energy of each plant so that a whole new wave of extension into the environment can express the hope of Spring. However we humans keep going through the winter and if it is long and hard we are often quite drained by the time Spring comes.
We will focus on relaxing and releasing so that we can open to the infinite space of the mind without distraction into our habitual agenda of ego maintenance. With the dzogchen view, meditation and activity we will open to the non-duality of space and ungraspable experience.
With German translation by Robert Jaroslawski.
Dates and times
Starts on the evening of April 24th 2025 until noon on April 27th, followed by lunch after which the retreat ends.
Flyers with full Information
Write an email to Robert Jaroslawski
A message from the organizer, 30 Jan 2025.
Liebe Interessenten an Veranstaltungen mit James Low in Todtmoos,
Es gibt offensichtlich immer neue Chancen, verwirrt zu sein . Natürlich stehen alle, die sich bereits angemeldet haben, auf der tentativen Anmeldungsliste, und wie ich schrieb, alle können teilnehmen (dazu siehe letztes Update). Die Schlafplätze werden in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs vergeben, und Essensplätze (deren es deutlich mehr als Schlafplätze gibt) auch gemäß dem Eingang. Sobald ich von den Betreibern eine Präzisierung der Bettenzahl erhalten habe, werde ich die Zuteilung vornehmen und die Bestätigung der Zuteilung bzw. des Wartestatus (Warteliste) aussenden. Dito bzgl. des Essens.
Stand heute sieht es definitiv so aus, als wären bereits mehr Anfragen auf Schlafplatz als Plätze. Ich würde davon ausgehen, dass bereits jetzt die letzten Anfragen auf der Warteliste landen werden. Essensplätze scheinen noch einige frei zu sein.
Ich bitte im Augenblick von individuellen Anfragen abzusehen. Wollt Ihr sicher sein, dass Eure Mail angekommen ist, verschickt bitte eine Empfangsbestätigungsanfrage, die ja mit E-Mailprogrammen möglich ist. Es ist einfach zu viel des Guten, jede Mail zu beantworten.
Es gibt einige weitere Schlafplätze in Gehweite vom Zentrum. Sie können nach Vereinbarung mit den Betreibern des Forellenhofes gebucht werden – das geht nicht über mich.
Anfragen bitte richten an:
Herzliche Grüße
Dear friends of James Low’s events in Todtmoos,
There are obviously always new chances to be confused . Of course, everyone who has already registered is on the tentative registration list, and as I wrote, everyone can participate (see the last update). Sleeping places will be allocated in the order in which they are received, and meal places (of which there are significantly more than sleeping places) will also be allocated according to the order in which they are received. As soon as I have received a clarification of the number of beds from the organisers, I will allocate them and send out the confirmation of allocation or waiting status (waiting list). Ditto for food.
As of today, it definitely looks like there are already more requests for sleeping places than for seats. I would assume that the last requests will end up on the waiting list already. There still seem to be a few seats left for meals.
I kindly ask you to refrain from individual requests at the moment. If you want to be sure that your email has been received, please send a request for an acknowledgement of receipt, which is possible with email programs. It’s just too much of a good thing to answer every email.
There are a few more beds within walking distance of the centre. These can be booked by agreement with the operators of the Forellenhof – this cannot be done through me.
Please send your requests to:
With my best wishes,
Dear friends of James Low’s events in Todtmoos,
This is an update on this year’s short retreat with James Low in Todtmoos.
– I kindly ask you to read the information slowly and carefully; this will save me from having to come back to you to ask questions or disappoint expectations.
Attached you will find the flyers in German and English, which actually contain all the essential information.
- As last autumn, we will again have the large temple and meditation room at our disposal. This means that the number of participants is not limited, provided that you provide your own accommodation and meals (meals are limited to 55 seats; no renegotiation).
- Your registration should include the names of all persons who are to be registered with you.
- It is necessary to inform both me and the cook (mail address in the flyer) directly that you want to be catered for in the house, and to communicate any special requests to Gabriele, the cook. Else please communicate that you’re eating outside.
- If you wish overnight accommodation in the seminar house, you must write this explicitly. Places will be allocated in the order in which the wishes are received. Else please communicate that you are staying outside.
- both last points save me caring thoughts about your whereabouts here…
- The places in the house are more or less already taken (the exact number has probably changed since autumn) and I am still waiting for precise information. Until I have an exact number and can make the assignments, consider your request as just that. Until I have given you an explicit confirmation, it remains uncertain. If you cannot stand this uncertainty, I would ask you to book a place to stay overnight from the outset (see flyer). Until I know for sure how many beds I can allocate, the registrations have the character of a waiting list.
- I would also like to explicitly state that we do not rent out ‘rooms’ – we have beds in two-, three- and five-bed rooms and these beds are allocated individually. There are no single rooms. I will try to fulfil requests as far as possible, and if that is not possible, we will discuss that.
I know that all this sounds a bit bureaucratic, but it’s probably better to have maximum clarity about the space situation on site from the outset – once these hurdles have been overcome, we will have a wonderful time together, as many previous participants in retreats with James Low can certainly confirm.
with my best wishes,
Liebe Interessenten an Veranstaltungen mit James Low in Todtmoos,
hier folgt ein Update zu unserem diesjährigen Kurzretreat mit James Low in Todtmoos.
– ich bitte, die Informationen langsam und aufmerksam zu lesen; das erspart dann Nachfragen meinerseits, oder enttäuschte Erwartungen.
Im Anhang finden sich die Flyer in Deutsch und Englisch, die eigentlich alle wesentlichen Informationen enthalten.
- Wir werden wie im letzten Herbst wieder den großen Tempel- und Meditationsraum zur Verfügung haben. Dadurch ist die Teilnehmerzahl nicht begrenzt, soweit Ihr Euch selbst Unterkunft und Verpflegung verschafft (Verpflegung ist auf 55 Plätze beschränkt; keine Nachverhandlungen).
- Eure Anmeldung sollte die Namen aller Personen enthalten, die mit angemeldet werden.
- Es ist notwendig, sowohl mir als auch der Köchin direkt (Mailadresse im Flyer) mitzuteilen, dass Ihr im Haus verpflegt werden wollt, und eventuelle Sonderwünsche mit Gabriele, der Köchin, zu kommunizieren. Ansonsten bitte ich mitzuteilen, dass Ihr Euch außer Haus verpflegt.
- Solltet Ihr einen Übernachtungsplatz im Seminarhaus wünschen, so müsst Ihr das ausdrücklich schreiben. Die Verteilung der Plätze erfolgt in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs. Ansonsten bitte ich auch mitzuteilen, dass Ihr Euch eine Unterkunft außerhalb sucht.
- Die Plätze im Haus sind mehr oder weniger schon belegt (die genaue Anzahl hat sich wohl seit dem Herbst verändert) und ich warte immer noch auf eine präzise Auskunft. Bis ich eine genaue Zahl habe und die Zuweisungen vornehmen kann, betrachtet Eueren Wunsch eben als das. Solange keine ausdrückliche Zusage von mir gekommen ist, ist es unsicher. Solltet Ihr diese Ungewissheit nicht aushalten können, so bitte ich darum, von vornherein einen Übernachtungsplatz auswärts zu buchen (siehe Flyer). Bis ich sicher weiß, wie viele Betten ich vergeben kann, haben die Anmeldungen den Charakter einer Warteliste.
- Ich möchte noch ausdrücklich sagen, dass wir keine “Zimmer” vermieten – wir haben Betten in Zweibett-, Dreibett- und Fünfbettzimmern, die einzeln vergeben werden. Einzelzimmer gibt es keine. Wünsche werde ich versuchen weitestgehend zu erfüllen, und wo das nicht geht, werden wir uns darüber austauschen.
So weit für heute, Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Dear friends of James Low’s events in Todtmoos,
This is an update on this year’s short retreat with James Low in Todtmoos.
I kindly ask you to read the information slowly and carefully; this will save me from having to come back to you to ask questions or disappoint expectations.
Attached you will find the flyers in German and English, which actually contain all the essential information.
- As last autumn, we will again have the large temple and meditation room at our disposal. This means that the number of participants is not limited, provided that you provide your own accommodation and meals (meals are limited to 55 seats; no renegotiation).
- Your registration should include the names of all persons who are to be registered with you.
- It is necessary to inform both me and the cook (mail address in the flyer) directly that you want to be catered for in the house, and to communicate any special requests to Gabriele, the cook. Else please communicate that you’re eating outside.
- If you wish overnight accommodation in the seminar house, you must write this explicitly. Places will be allocated in the order in which the wishes are received. Else please communicate that you are staying outside.
- The places in the house are more or less already taken (the exact number has probably changed since autumn) and I am still waiting for precise information. Until I have an exact number and can make the assignments, consider your request as just that. Until I have given you an explicit confirmation, it remains uncertain. If you cannot stand this uncertainty, I would ask you to book a place to stay overnight from the outset (see flyer). Until I know for sure how many beds I can allocate, the registrations have the character of a waiting list.
- I would also like to explicitly state that we do not rent out ‘rooms’ – we have beds in two-, three- and five-bed rooms and these beds are allocated individually. There are no single rooms. I will try to fulfil requests as far as possible, and if that is not possible, we will discuss that.
I know that all this sounds a bit bureaucratic, but it’s probably better to have maximum clarity about the space situation on site from the outset – once these hurdles have been overcome, we will have a wonderful time together, as many previous participants in retreats with James Low can certainly confirm.
So much for today, with my best wishes,