Easy does it. Todtmoos, 2009 and 2010

These are teachings given in Freiburg and Todtmoos during  12-14 June 2009 and 11-12 June 2010. James explains and comments on Patrul Rinpoche Brief and an Extended Commentaries on Garab Dorje’s “Three Essential Points”, translated later as “Three Statements that Hit the Key Points” and often by others as “Hitting the essence in three words”. This text was prepared by […]

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Getting acquainted • Todtmoos, 2009

James taught on Patrul Rinpoche’s commentaries on Garab Dorje’s Three Statements, hitting the main point. This talk is from the preparatory introductory day in Freiburg. It was followed by teaching retreats in Todtmoos Au in 2009 and 2010. Transcribed by Sarah Allen and edited by James Low. Read the teachings from the following days here. Excerpts The great chain of […]

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Trusting yourself • Eifel Retreat, April 2009 • Part 2

The 2009 Spring Eifel Retreat at Kamalashila Institute Saturday and sunday 4-5 April The teaching of Friday 3rd April is posted separately here. Transcribed by Anne Conn Edited by Barbara Terris Download PDF Excerpts …Allowing the mind to be by itself, to roll as it does, is called rang bab, in Tibetan which means falling by itself, like a waterfall. […]

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Trusting yourself • Eifel Retreat, April 2009 • Part 1

The first evening of the Eifel retreat at the Kamalashila Institute The teaching of Saturday and Sunday 4-5 April is posted separately here. Download the Pdf Transcribed by Tobias Roeder Edited by Barbara Terris Contents Trusting yourself Different traditions, different emphasis From the dzogchen point of view Openness: allowing ourselves to be part of the world Energy: trusting that our […]

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Sich selbst vertrauen • Eifel Retreat, 2009

Sich selbst vertrauen. Abendvortrag des Dzogchen Eifel-Retreat, Kamalashila, 2.April 2009 James Low Download the Pdf Übersetzt durch Daniel Beierstettel Extracts …Denk daran, wie sich Seetang mit den Wellen des Ozeans bewegt, wie sie es umherwirbeln und verdrehen. Seetang verknotet sich nicht, denn es bleibt einfach in Bewegung… …So können wir mittels der Untersuchung, wer wir im Beisein anderer werden, beginnen zu erkennen, dass […]

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Integration of dharma: being with others. Eifel Retreat, Autumn 2008

James Low 2-5 Oct 2008 Integration of dharma: being with others Transcribed and prepared by Sarah Allen Read or download the transcript “…If you want to be yourself you have to manage other people, pulling them in and pushing them away. Connection and participation is important. This means being able to stay present with things in the face of feelings […]

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Mahamudra, as Understood Through Texts by Maitripa and Saraha • Todtmoos, 2008

Mahamudra as understood through two texts: Maitripa’s ‘Brief Exposition of the Great Seal’ and Saraha’s ‘The Treasury of Songs: Esoteric Instructions on Mahamudra’ James Low teaches using his translations of both texts which are also Chapters 12 and 13 in his book Simply Being. Todtmoos, Germany. 20-22 June 2008Transcribed by Sarah Allen.  Edited by Barbara Terris …When we look at the […]

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