Awakening in buddhism and psychotherapy. Milan, 2012

A talk for Psychotherapists Noûs, Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Costruttivista, Milan 9 November 2012 James Low Transcribed by Lingkhempa K. Dorje Edited by James Low Download and read the PDF Excerpts …Thoughts, feelings and sensations have no energy of their own. They are like balloons. They arrive inflated with the unpredictable creativity of the winds of the open infinite […]

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Die Leerheit des Selbst erkennen. Mailand, 2010

Aus dem Zyklus “Psychologie und Buddhismus” des Mindfulness Project   24.  September 2010 James Low Download PDF Deutsche Übertragung von Sarah S. Monz Auszüge …Aus der Sicht des Dzogchen sind Interaktion und Mitgestaltung viel wichtiger als Dominanz und Kontrolle. D.h., wir arbeiten im Feld unserer Verbindungen, sei es in unserem Körper oder in der äusseren Umwelt… …Wir können geschlossene oder […]

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What is love? Interview, 2012

James Low interviewed by Guido Ferrari when he was in Milan giving a public talk, 9th November 2012 Transcribed by Taisha Lohinger Download the transcription in English Download the transcript in Turkish The interview can be watched here.

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Reflections on buddhism and psychotherapy. Italy, 2007

James Low A talk given to therapists at the Buddhism and Psychotherapy Conference at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute organised by the Mindfulness Project,  Pomaia, Italy.  15-17 August, 2007 Download the Pdf Extract All the experiences of our lives are like birds flying in the sky.  Maybe you go walking through the lovely trees here and suddenly a memory comes into […]

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Creativity and meditation. Tuscany, 1994

James Low Creativity and meditation Tuscany, Italy One Week Summer Camp, August 1994   Download and Read the transcript: in English in German in Italian Excerpts That is why the start of the meditation—the clear blue sky—is a new beginning for everything. And the middle is a further dispersal of the old, the solid, the enduring. The end of the […]

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Risvegliarsi alla vacuità del sé. Milan, 2010

Centro Mindfulness Project 1, Milano, 24/ 26 settembre 2010. James Low Download as PDF Trascritto da Sarah Allan Edito da Sarah Allan e Barbara Terris Tradotto in italiano da Rita Gastaldi Estratti Possiamo raccontare storie ‘chiuse’ o storie ‘aperte’; possiamo avere la storia della persona esperta o la storia della persona patetica, ma migliore di tutte è la storia che […]

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