Calm and clear. Freiburg, 2006.

When things are calm it is easy to disturb them. When things are clear it is easy to dirty them, to make them lose their clarity. On an ordinary level calmness and clarity are very vulnerable states. This is because of the very nature of our existence. From a traditional buddhist point of view the functioning basis of our existence, of how we operate as human beings, is to be caught up in an experience of duality: looking inside we experience ‘ourselves’, and looking outside we experience ‘things’ which are other. But of course, it is not quite as simple as that.

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On anxiety. Eifel Autumn Retreat, 2005

Excerpts on anxiety taken from teachings given at Kamalashila during the Autumn Retreat 2005,  in the Eifel. Transcribed by Jo Féat (2009), edited by Barbara Terris (2011) German transcript by Petra
 Niehaus (2012)Italian transcript by Rita Gastaldi (2011) Excerpts …Some time ago I was looking at a little video for children. It was about an elephant who wanted to fly. […]

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