Direct indication of buddhahood beyond classification. Todtmoos, 2007

A terma treasure text of Nuden Dorje.

Teaching and commentary on his translation by James Low.

Todtmoos, June 2007.
Transcribed by Sarah Allen and edited by Barbara Terris.

This terma text with commentary is included in Chapter 8 of Simply Being. The Todtmoos transcript has also been incorporated into a book prepared by Robert Jaroslawski and called Zuhause im Spiel der Wirklichkeit.

…According to this lineage which comes down through C R Lama, this is a very powerful and important instruction.  The more time you spend looking at your mind, observing the process of stillness and thoughts, the more the richness of this text will be revealed to you.  It is not abstract theory.  It is not philosophy but it is the heart friend of your return to yourself.  Therefore, hopefully you will be inclined to do the practice…

…The problem is never with the object.  The answer is never with the object.  The problem and the answer are always with the mind.  The problem is the mind that wants to control and interfere. The answer is the mind that relaxes and trusts…

…Are we our clothes?  When my teacher, C R Lama, used to go out to work in the university he would just go in the clothes that he wore around the house, an old lungi with maybe some holes in it and a T-shirt.  His wife would say, ‘Oh, you can’t go out looking like that.’ And he would reply, “When people see me coming do they say ‘Here comes C R Lama’ or do they say ‘Here comes C R Lamas clothes.’?…

…Is nothing better than something? That is the real point. You have to decide.  Is the yogi who spends his life in a cave wasting his life?  In the midst of ‘nothing’ is everything.  In the midst of ‘something’ is disappointment…


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