Happy Birthday Poem. Eifel, 2005

Written by James Low in Kamalasila on the occasion of his birthday 30 April 2005

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Happy Birthday

First birth

Welcomed at birth
by my karma
I forgot who I was
Welcomed at birth
by concepts I never
forgot my conditioning
Welcomed at birth
by my parents I never
forgot my alienation

Second Birth

Welcomed at birth
by the Buddha I never
forgot my refuge
Welcomed at birth
by the Dharma I never
forgot the transmission
Welcomed at birth
by the Sangha I never
forgot my place

Third Birth

Welcomed at birth
by my Guru I never
forgot my new family
Welcomed at birth
by my Yidam I never
forgot my samaya
Welcomed at birth
by Dakinis I never
forgot how to dance

Fourth Birth

Welcomed at birth
by my own nature I never
forgot my roots

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