All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Easy illumination. Oxford, 2019

James Low Easy illumination We inhabit a paradox as our self-revealing mind is hidden by our way of looking. Using the structure of a short Dzogchen text by the extraordinary Tibetan Yogini Ayu Khandro we will explore how not to get in the way of our mind's intrinsic illumination. The focus will be on the clarity of the authentic view [...]

Following the Middle Way. Berlin, Public Talk.

Following the Middle Way between all polarities and fixed positions. An Evening Public Talk by James Low. German translation by Kati LaVoix For more information contact the organiser.

Following the Middle Way. Berlin, Public Talk.

Following the Middle Way between all polarities and fixed positions. An Evening Public Talk by James Low. German translation by Kati LaVoix For more information contact the organiser.

Dissolving obstacles to living the dzogchen view. Berlin, Nov 2019.

Dissolving obstacles to living the dzogchen view. We will look at parts of chs 8 & 9 in Simply Being. But the main focus will be on practice and applying the view to dealing with problems that may arise. Chapter 8 is The direct indication of buddhahood beyond classification by Nuden Dorje and Chapter 9 is The natural way and [...]

Dissolving obstacles to living the dzogchen view. Berlin, Nov 2019.

Dissolving obstacles to living the dzogchen view. We will look at parts of chs 8 & 9 in Simply Being. But the main focus will be on practice and applying the view to dealing with problems that may arise. Chapter 8 is The direct indication of buddhahood beyond classification by Nuden Dorje and Chapter 9 is The natural way and [...]

Love and impermanence. Teaching weekend. Warsaw 2019

James Low. Topic: Love and impermanence: From grasping and attachment to simply seeing and appreciating. Konrad writes 13/12/19 that the original location, STudium Teatralne)  is correct as given here so please do not go to Karmic Gompa.   Saturday 09:30- 17:30, Sunday 09:30 to 13:00

Love and impermanence. Teaching weekend. Warsaw 2019

James Low. Topic: Love and impermanence: From grasping and attachment to simply seeing and appreciating. Konrad writes 13/12/19 that the original location, STudium Teatralne)  is correct as given here so please do not go to Karmic Gompa.   Saturday 09:30- 17:30, Sunday 09:30 to 13:00

Illusion, delusion, confusion. Teaching Retreat. Vienna, 2020

James Low 3 day Teaching and meditation retreat Illusion, delusion, confusion. We have so many experiences in life. This is possible because our mind is intrinsically open and hospitable to each new moment. Yet this openness is hidden for us by our own involved busyness. Engaged in the never-ending task of self-delusion we impede the unimpeded and obscure the unobscured. [...]

Illusion, delusion, confusion. Teaching Retreat. Vienna, 2020

James Low 3 day Teaching and meditation retreat Illusion, delusion, confusion. We have so many experiences in life. This is possible because our mind is intrinsically open and hospitable to each new moment. Yet this openness is hidden for us by our own involved busyness. Engaged in the never-ending task of self-delusion we impede the unimpeded and obscure the unobscured. [...]

Public Talk. Lisbon, 2020

James Low Meditation and psychotherapy. In order to be open and available in the clinical setting, we need to be able to drop our pre-occupations and pattern formations. Be present with and for the other without  an imposed agenda maybe is our greatest gift. Meditação e psicoterapia Para estarmos abertos e disponíveis no setting clínico, precisamos soltar nossas pre-ocupações e [...]


Public Talk. Lisbon, 2020

James Low Meditation and psychotherapy. In order to be open and available in the clinical setting, we need to be able to drop our pre-occupations and pattern formations. Be present with and for the other without  an imposed agenda maybe is our greatest gift. Meditação e psicoterapia Para estarmos abertos e disponíveis no setting clínico, precisamos soltar nossas pre-ocupações e [...]


Calm and clear – finding the space for life. Workshop. Lisbon, 2020

James Low Calm and clear - finding the space for life As the our world becomes faster and more challenging - and as new crises and demands emerge - it is helpful to find a relaxed, open spaciousness within ourselves, and so start to welcome and respond to these movements. Buddhist meditation practices offer key methods to help us enjoy [...]