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Doha Treasury of Virupa. 1 of 3. Zoom, Feb 2024.
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Doha Treasury of Virupa
James Low
Zoom, 17th Feb 2024.
[caption id="attachment_28814" align="alignleft" width="294"]Nairatmya, the yidam of Virupa[/caption] This is the first of three sessions teaching on this text. The text is pp 21-29, in James Low's book Sweet Simplicity (Simply Being, UK, 2021) ISBN 9781739938154. Transcript prepared by Kate Egetmeyer can be read here. The video can be watched here.
Clay: our ground, our mother, our potential. Article, Nov 2024
New Turkish Translation. Kil: Zeminimiz, Kaynağımız, Annemiz, Potansiyelimiz. This text for tsa tsa makers is now translated in German, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Metin, Bahar Nihal Ersözlü tarafından Ocak 2025'te Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. Uploaded 15 01 2025Continue reading »
Letting the knots go free • Article on Psychotherapy
New Turkish Translation. DÜĞÜMLERİ SALIVERMEK. Türkçe Çeviri: Sezen Yaşar. Düzenleme: M.Mert Çelebi. Uploaded 04 02 2025Continue reading »