
Kindle eBooks

Here we show you a large variety of Kindle eBooks. Click “Open” below for the list.

Being Right Here: A Dzogchen Treasure Text of Nuden Dorje Entitled The Mirror of Clear Meaning

Being Guru Rinpoche: A Commentary on Nuden Dorje’s Terma Vidyadhara Guru Sadhana

Buddha shows the way

Easy Does It: Buddhist teachings on letting go of anxiety and attachment. 2023

Ser Guru Rimpoché (Spanish Edition of Being Guru Rinpoche)

Collected Works of C.R. Lama

Obras Reunidas de C.R. Lama (Spanish edition of Collected Works of C.R. Lama)

Gli yogin del Ladakh: Un pellegrinaggio tra gli eremiti dell’Himalaya buddhista (Italian Edition of The Yogis of Ladakh)

Love your mother. 2023. Ever-fertile emptiness, the ever-fertile mother of everything, is symbolised by the Great Mother Prajnaparamita, the essence of the wisdom of emptiness that is the mother of all the Buddhas.

Maravillosa simplicidad. 2022. (Spanish translation of Sweet Simplicity)

Questions and Answers 1-5. 2020. Prepared by Stuart Zinski from the Q&A Zoom Sessions 1-5 done by James Low during 2020. Proof reading by Barbara Terris

Questions and Answers 6-10. 2021. Prepared by Stuart Zinski from the Q&A Zoom Sessions 6-10 done by James Low during 2021. Proof reading by Ruth Rickard.

Questions and Answers 11-15. 2021. Prepared by Stuart Zinski from the Q&A Zoom Sessions 6-11 done by James Low during 2021. Proof reading by Barbara Terris and Michael Robbins.

Radiant Aspiration: The Butterlamp Prayer Lamp of Aspiration

Radiant Aspiration (German edition) Lichter der Weisheit: das Butterlampen-Wunchgebet von Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche 

Simply Being: Texts in the Dzogchen Tradition


The Buddha Shows the Way. 2022

The Mirror of Clear Meaning: A commentary on the dzogchen treasure text of Nuden Dorje. 2021

The Open door of emptiness: A collection of public talks and teachings. 2023

This is it: revealing the great completion

Free Books in different langages by James Low

Just click on your Language to jump to it.

English German Hungarian Italian Polish
Portuguese Russian Spanish Turkish


Questions and Answers 1-5. June 2023.
Prepared by Stuart Zinski from the first 5 Zoom Q&A Sessions done by James Low.

Questions and Answers 6-10. Sept 2023.
Prepared by Stuart Zinski from the second 5 Zoom Q&A Sessions done by James Low.

Questions and Answers 11-15. Feb 2024
Prepared by Stuart Zinski from the third 5 Zoom Q&A Sessions done by James Low

Questions and Answers 16-20. Jul 2024
Prepared by Stuart Zinski from the fourth 5 Zoom Q&A Sessions done by James Low

Seven Chapters of Prayer.  Although this book is already published by Wandel Verlag  in hardback it is also freely available to download so that  these prayers can be recited in times of trouble.

The Dhammapada. 1985 book prepared by CR Lama with Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Hindi and English. Digitalised by Wendy 2018. You can hear Wendy reading it aloud here on her website.

Preface to Estando Bem Aqui. James wrote a new preface, here in English, to the Brazilian edition of Being Right Here.

Longing for Limitless Light is read aloud here on Wendy’s website.

Collected Works of C R Lama. You can hear Wendy reading some of it aloud here

Stuart attached a text of instructions on how you can use the EPUB file on your reader.


Sparks. Partial translation by Kate Egetmeyer.

Tibetischen Buddhismus im Western lehren.
A 2023 interview with James Low in Buddhismus Aktuell.


Csak Ez. Sixth facet of the book This Is It, translated by Németh Tamás.

Egyszerűen Csak Lenni: Előszó A Könyvhöz. The Preface to “Simply Being” translated by Németh Tamás.


Ilaria Corti has translated Sweet Simplicity into Italian [March 2023] You can download the PDF file here. It has not been published.


Antologia wykładów Czime Rigdzina Rinpocze. The translation of “Collected Works of CR Lama” by Grażyna Litwinczuk.  You can read it here.

Naturalna obecność: Pisma tradycji dzogczen. The translation of “Simply Being” by Joanna Janiszewska-Rain, Dorota Kaniewska and Grażyna Litwińczuk. It has gone out of print as a hardback book but by clicking here you can read and download the PDF.

Być Guru Rinpocze. The translation of “Being Guru Rinpoche” by Joanna Janiszewska-Rain. You can read it here.

Być Guru Rinpocze. The translation of “Being Guru Rinpoche” by Magdalena Kaniewska-Matulewicz reviewed by Witold Matulewicz. You can read it here.

Ą Być tu i teraz. The translation of “Being Right Here” by Joanna Janiszewska-Rain. It has gone out of print as a hardback book but by clicking here you can read and download the PDF.

Świetliste Dążenie: Modlitwa Lampek Lampa Dążenia.

Radiant Aspiration was translated into Polish by Joanna Janiszewska-Rain.  Bartek Czajkowski translated the sutra about The Lamp of King Golden Hand. on Wojciech Czajkowski and Bartek prepared it for print and Wojciech Czajkowski prepared the cover. It was published by Wydawnictwo Kunzang in 2012 but is now out of print.


Estar Cá presente. A partial translation of “Being Right Here” by Manuela Rodrigues.

Simplesmente Ser. Chapters 8 and 9 from Simply Being, translated by João Vale.

Obras Reunidas de C.R. Lama  Translated into Portuguese by Madalena Gomes Pedroza in 2022 and reviewed by João Vale Neto. Free download

Aspiração Radiante.  The English text of the Butterlamp Prayer in the book Radiant Aspiration is translated into Portuguese by Milton Petruczok and reviewed by João Vale Neto, 2022.

Lotus Source. Portuguese translations by João Vale Neto, Dec 2022.  Click here to read what is done so far.


Быть прямо здесь. Перевод на русский язык (2023): Мария Шрамко, Россия. Being Right Here. Translated into Russian by Marja (Maria) Shramko.

Будда указывает путь Buddha Shows The Way translated into Russian by Marina Samarina, 2024.


Destellos  The authorised version of “Sparks”, as translated by Juan B. García Lázaro with style checking by Mariana Orozco.

Being Right Here Verses by Nuden Dorje. El espejo de revelación luminosa.  The verses in the book Being Right Here have been translated into Spanish by Juan Bautista García Lázaro in 2019.


Kivilcimlar Translation into Turkish of Sparks, by Mustafa Mert Çelebi, Özden Atik and Mavi Kuzu.