All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Opening to our buddha mind. Retreat, Barcelona 2019

James Low Retreat: Opening to our buddha mind. The focus will be on practice to dis-identify with the content of our mind so that the direct presence of our Buddha Mind can shine forth. As a support for this we will work with Saraha’s short Mahamudra text, The Treasury of Songs. This is chapter 13 in Simply Being. A revised [...]


Opening to our buddha mind. Retreat, Barcelona 2019

James Low Retreat: Opening to our buddha mind. The focus will be on practice to dis-identify with the content of our mind so that the direct presence of our Buddha Mind can shine forth. As a support for this we will work with Saraha’s short Mahamudra text, The Treasury of Songs. This is chapter 13 in Simply Being. A revised [...]


Evening Public Talk. Frankfurt, Oct 2019

James Low Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons.  The power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony and into the treacherous security of taking up a position. However equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way avoiding extremes. [...]

Evening Public Talk. Frankfurt, Oct 2019

James Low Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons.  The power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony and into the treacherous security of taking up a position. However equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way avoiding extremes. [...]

Equanimity. Frankfurt day teaching, 2019

James Low Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons. The power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony and into the treacherous security of taking up a position. However equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way avoiding extremes. [...]

Equanimity. Frankfurt day teaching, 2019

James Low Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons. The power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony and into the treacherous security of taking up a position. However equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way avoiding extremes. [...]

Eifel Retreat, October 2019

The Happy Twins. Dzogchen and Mahamudra are harmoniously complementary. Their evocative styles offer us beautiful metaphors which can sweetly and poetically ease us out of our rigid concepts. We will focus on two texts, the Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a dzogchen treasure text from Nuden Dorje Drophen Lingpa Drolo Tsal, and The Mahamudra Upadesha by Tilopa. New translations of the [...]

Eifel Retreat, October 2019

The Happy Twins. Dzogchen and Mahamudra are harmoniously complementary. Their evocative styles offer us beautiful metaphors which can sweetly and poetically ease us out of our rigid concepts. We will focus on two texts, the Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a dzogchen treasure text from Nuden Dorje Drophen Lingpa Drolo Tsal, and The Mahamudra Upadesha by Tilopa. New translations of the [...]

Evening public talk. Oxford, 2019

James Low True nature. Evening public talk, followed by a weekend of teaching. Evening Talk Only: £10 Teaching Sessions (a.m. or p.m): £15 per session (am or pm) Whole Event: £50 These prices above only cover the Organiser's running costs, venue hire, James’ travel etc. There is no fee for the teaching. If you wish to offer a donation (dana) [...]

Evening public talk. Oxford, 2019

James Low True nature. Evening public talk, followed by a weekend of teaching. Evening Talk Only: £10 Teaching Sessions (a.m. or p.m): £15 per session (am or pm) Whole Event: £50 These prices above only cover the Organiser's running costs, venue hire, James’ travel etc. There is no fee for the teaching. If you wish to offer a donation (dana) [...]

Easy illumination. Oxford, 2019

James Low Easy illumination We inhabit a paradox as our self-revealing mind is hidden by our way of looking. Using the structure of a short Dzogchen text by the extraordinary Tibetan Yogini Ayu Khandro we will explore how not to get in the way of our mind's intrinsic illumination. The focus will be on the clarity of the authentic view [...]

Easy illumination. Oxford, 2019

James Low Easy illumination We inhabit a paradox as our self-revealing mind is hidden by our way of looking. Using the structure of a short Dzogchen text by the extraordinary Tibetan Yogini Ayu Khandro we will explore how not to get in the way of our mind's intrinsic illumination. The focus will be on the clarity of the authentic view [...]