All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Finding freedom in daily life: public talk. Oxford, Nov 2018

James Low Finding Freedom in Daily Life Daily pressures seem to be ever increasing with spiralling obligations. The idea of finding freedom from this is tempting, yet running away does not free us from ourselves. Dzogchen meditation is a simple means to find freedom in the midst of demand and turmoil. Freedom to be with all of life rests in the [...]

Finding freedom in daily life: public talk. Oxford, Nov 2018

James Low Finding Freedom in Daily Life Daily pressures seem to be ever increasing with spiralling obligations. The idea of finding freedom from this is tempting, yet running away does not free us from ourselves. Dzogchen meditation is a simple means to find freedom in the midst of demand and turmoil. Freedom to be with all of life rests in the [...]

The Heart of the matter: weekend teaching. Oxford, Dec 2018

James Low The Heart of the Matter is the Open Mind Although we rely on our mind in every aspect of our lives, the mind itself is rarely the focus of our interest and attention. Meditation is a simple yet profound way to get to know our mind. We might well find that our mind is not what we think it is. When [...]

Evening Public Talk. Berlin, Nov 2018

James Low Opening to the space of being. When the many identities we adopt in daily life are used to sustain the illusion of an enduring real self we become mired in self deception. Our multiple identities are the radiance of awareness inseparable from the ungraspable ground of being. Other details to be confirmed.

Evening Public Talk. Berlin, Nov 2018

James Low Opening to the space of being. When the many identities we adopt in daily life are used to sustain the illusion of an enduring real self we become mired in self deception. Our multiple identities are the radiance of awareness inseparable from the ungraspable ground of being. Other details to be confirmed.

Weekend teaching. Berlin, Dec 2018

James Low The evolution of delusion within unchanging openness. The famous dzogchen text, The Evocation of Samantabhadra, shows clearly how limitation gradually emerges within the great openness of the ground of all, which is forever free of limitation.  We will use this text to clarify the view of dzogchen which will help us to relax and release the delusion of [...]

Weekend teaching. Berlin, Dec 2018

James Low The evolution of delusion within unchanging openness. The famous dzogchen text, The Evocation of Samantabhadra, shows clearly how limitation gradually emerges within the great openness of the ground of all, which is forever free of limitation.  We will use this text to clarify the view of dzogchen which will help us to relax and release the delusion of [...]

Open heart, open mind. Vienna, 2019

James Low The open heart, the open mind, is the basis of our life. It is not a thing we have but rather a radiant presence. During these days we will explore emptiness, relative and absolute truth, the basic structure of tantra, and Garab Dorje's Three Statements and see how they all point to the intrinsic integrity of life. There [...]

Open heart, open mind. Vienna, 2019

James Low The open heart, the open mind, is the basis of our life. It is not a thing we have but rather a radiant presence. During these days we will explore emptiness, relative and absolute truth, the basic structure of tantra, and Garab Dorje's Three Statements and see how they all point to the intrinsic integrity of life. There [...]

Dzogchen teachings. Warsaw, Jan 2019

James Low Relaxation and the self-liberation of phenomena. We habitually experience objects that can be grasped along with our sense of ourselves as subjects who need to grasp at something in order to continue to exist. Struggling to remove this delusion does not help. Our practice is to relax and open and directly see how all that seems so real is [...]