All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Seminar day. Frankfurt,2017

James Low Compassion as a way of life This talk will be the day before the teaching retreat in the Eifel. Compassion is a means for reducing the suffering of others. In the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism compassion is revealed as being the natural expression of awareness therefore the practice for developing awareness is the practice of awakening to one's [...]

Gongpa Zangthal retreat. Eifel, Oct 2017

James Low The famous aspiration will offer a chance to deeply explore the view of Dzogchen and see the many ways in which we abandon it. The practice itself is to simply settle into the view which self-liberates all obscurations. The aspiration is part of the Gongpa Zangthal which belongs to the Jangter or Northern Treasures. The focus will be [...]

Gongpa Zangthal retreat. Eifel, Oct 2017

James Low The famous aspiration will offer a chance to deeply explore the view of Dzogchen and see the many ways in which we abandon it. The practice itself is to simply settle into the view which self-liberates all obscurations. The aspiration is part of the Gongpa Zangthal which belongs to the Jangter or Northern Treasures. The focus will be [...]

Retreat, Berlin 2017

James Low The inseparability of stillness and movement We will use Saraha ’s Mahamudra text,"Treasury of songs", which is Chapter 13 in "Simply Being" as a structure and we will have plenty of time for meditation practice

Retreat, Berlin 2017

James Low The inseparability of stillness and movement We will use Saraha ’s Mahamudra text,"Treasury of songs", which is Chapter 13 in "Simply Being" as a structure and we will have plenty of time for meditation practice

Public talk, Tallinn 2017

James Low Public Talk. Our mind is not what we think it is This will be followed by a teaching and practice retreat in Tallinn on 3-5 November.  

Public talk, Tallinn 2017

James Low Public Talk. Our mind is not what we think it is This will be followed by a teaching and practice retreat in Tallinn on 3-5 November.  

Teaching retreat, Tallinn, 2017

James Low Teaching retreat based on Gonpo Wangyal’s short Dzogchen text: “Introduction to the Nature of the Mother of All the Buddhas”.  This text is published in James Low's book, "Being right here". Registering: Click here for the registration form Language: in English, with translation into Estonian. Fee: 40-50 euros, depending on the time of prepayment (i.e. before or after October 10). Students [...]

Teaching retreat, Tallinn, 2017

James Low Teaching retreat based on Gonpo Wangyal’s short Dzogchen text: “Introduction to the Nature of the Mother of All the Buddhas”.  This text is published in James Low's book, "Being right here". Registering: Click here for the registration form Language: in English, with translation into Estonian. Fee: 40-50 euros, depending on the time of prepayment (i.e. before or after October 10). Students [...]

Public Talk. Barcelona, Nov 2017

James Low. Our mind is not what we think it is: getting to know how you are by not telling yourself how you are. The public talk will be followed by a teaching retreat 10-12 November 2017. The topic of the retreat will be a short dzogchen text by Gonpo Wangyal, which James will explain and comment on. Flyer with details [...]

Public Talk. Barcelona, Nov 2017

James Low. Our mind is not what we think it is: getting to know how you are by not telling yourself how you are. The public talk will be followed by a teaching retreat 10-12 November 2017. The topic of the retreat will be a short dzogchen text by Gonpo Wangyal, which James will explain and comment on. Flyer with details [...]

The sun of ungraspable awareness. Barcelona, Nov. 2017

James Low The Sun of Ungraspable Awareness Illuminates the Infinite Space of the Mind. On this teaching retreat James will give an explanation and commentary on a short dzogchen text by Gonpo Wangyal that he has translated. You can read and download the Spanish version here. To register, booking is necessary and the advance payment is 40 euros. Fees: 90 euros. [...]