All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Public talk. Berlin, 2017

James Low Public talk. National identity, personal identity and buddha nature  

Public talk. Berlin, 2017

James Low Public talk. National identity, personal identity and buddha nature  

The nature of thoughts. Warsaw, 2017

James Low The Nature of thoughts We will focus on the energy of the mind, the basis of all our experience. This energy can be revealed in its freshness or concealed in the opacity of conceptual interpretation. We will meditate together to explore this directly. A free and  open day of teaching and meditation with Janek Szlagowski providing a Polish [...]

The nature of thoughts. Warsaw, 2017

James Low The Nature of thoughts We will focus on the energy of the mind, the basis of all our experience. This energy can be revealed in its freshness or concealed in the opacity of conceptual interpretation. We will meditate together to explore this directly. A free and  open day of teaching and meditation with Janek Szlagowski providing a Polish [...]

Ayu Khandro teaching and practice retreat. Geneva, 2017

 James Low Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2017 Flyer The teachings will be based on a text by Ayu Khandro (1839-1953) called "The Record of the Heart-felt Advice of the Dakini Indestructible Glorious Lamp". The Ayu Khandro text is available here in French. You can read the  text in various  other languages, including Tibetan, as well and you can watch and listen [...]

Ayu Khandro teaching and practice retreat. Geneva, 2017

 James Low Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2017 Flyer The teachings will be based on a text by Ayu Khandro (1839-1953) called "The Record of the Heart-felt Advice of the Dakini Indestructible Glorious Lamp". The Ayu Khandro text is available here in French. You can read the  text in various  other languages, including Tibetan, as well and you can watch and listen [...]

Public Talk. Frankfurt, 2017

James Low The Basis for awakening. Awakening, or enlightenment, is often regarded as being almost unattainable. The dzogchen view, however, points to the ever-present basis of enlightenment and offers us the means to access it directly. Members 10 Euro | Non-members 15 Euro

Public Talk. Frankfurt, 2017

James Low The Basis for awakening. Awakening, or enlightenment, is often regarded as being almost unattainable. The dzogchen view, however, points to the ever-present basis of enlightenment and offers us the means to access it directly. Members 10 Euro | Non-members 15 Euro

Seminar day. Frankfurt,2017

James Low Compassion as a way of life This talk will be the day before the teaching retreat in the Eifel. Compassion is a means for reducing the suffering of others. In the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism compassion is revealed as being the natural expression of awareness therefore the practice for developing awareness is the practice of awakening to one's [...]

Seminar day. Frankfurt,2017

James Low Compassion as a way of life This talk will be the day before the teaching retreat in the Eifel. Compassion is a means for reducing the suffering of others. In the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism compassion is revealed as being the natural expression of awareness therefore the practice for developing awareness is the practice of awakening to one's [...]