All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Dzogchen Retreat. Gutenstein

Space and time: the dzogchen view of the miracle of being. This view and simple and direct practice frees us from the illusion of being somthing finite and vulnerable

Dzogchen Retreat. Gutenstein

Space and time: the dzogchen view of the miracle of being. This view and simple and direct practice frees us from the illusion of being somthing finite and vulnerable

Take it Easy. Emerson College, UK. 2016

Take it easy: equanimity in the face of provocation. "The dzogchen view and practice is a beautiful and effective method to free ourselves and others from anxiety, alienation and confusion. Focussing on the actuality which is always present, although often unattended to due to our immersion in our thoughts and feelings, we come to settle into our ever-present open nature. [...]


Take it Easy. Emerson College

Take it easy: equanimity in the face of provocation. "The dzogchen view and practice is a beautiful and effective method to free ourselves and others from anxiety, alienation and confusion. Focussing on the actuality which is always present – although often unattended to due to our immersion in our thoughts and feelings – we come to settle into our ever-present open [...]


Public Talk, Berlin

The Self and the mind. We are more than what we think we are. This will be followed by a dzogchen teaching retreat from 30th Sept to 3rd October. Full details are here.

Public Talk, Berlin

The Self and the mind. We are more than what we think we are. This will be followed by a dzogchen teaching retreat from 30th Sept to 3rd October. Full details are here.

Dzogchen retreat. Berlin

Dzogchen Seminar: The detailed oral instructions of the precious Dharma Master Chetsangpa Ratna Shri Buddhi. Using James Low's book "Simply Being. Texts in the Dzogchen Tradition". Full details are here. It would be helpful if you brought a copy of the book. Dzogchen Seminar: Die ausführlichen mündlichen Unterweisungen des kostbaren Dharma-Meisters Chetsangpa Ratna Shri Buddhi von Aus dem Handgepäck eines tibetischen Yogi von [...]

Dzogchen retreat. Berlin

Dzogchen Seminar: The detailed oral instructions of the precious Dharma Master Chetsangpa Ratna Shri Buddhi. Using James Low's book "Simply Being. Texts in the Dzogchen Tradition". Full details are here. It would be helpful if you brought a copy of the book. Dzogchen Seminar: Die ausführlichen mündlichen Unterweisungen des kostbaren Dharma-Meisters Chetsangpa Ratna Shri Buddhi von Aus dem Handgepäck eines tibetischen Yogi von [...]

Public Talk, Frankfurt

Compassion and Non-duality In buddhism compassion has different aspects - as aspiration, as focused activity and as an intrinsic quality of our buddha nature. We will look at each of these aspects and explore the non-duality of wisdom and compassion. N OTE: the venue has been changed from Tibet Haus to Saalbau Gallus

Public Talk, Frankfurt

Compassion and Non-duality In buddhism compassion has different aspects - as aspiration, as focused activity and as an intrinsic quality of our buddha nature. We will look at each of these aspects and explore the non-duality of wisdom and compassion. N OTE: the venue has been changed from Tibet Haus to Saalbau Gallus

Padmasambhava Retreat and Empowerment. Eifel

The practice of Guruyoga is a great support for the practice of Dzogchen. In this retreat there will be an initiation into a tantric mahayoga/anuyoga practice of Padmasambhava followed by a full explanation of the practice and how to apply it in all areas of life. We will practise this form of Guruyoga together and focus on the direct experience of non-duality. [...]

Padmasambhava Retreat and Empowerment. Eifel

The practice of Guruyoga is a great support for the practice of Dzogchen. In this retreat there will be an initiation into a tantric mahayoga/anuyoga practice of Padmasambhava followed by a full explanation of the practice and how to apply it in all areas of life. We will practise this form of Guruyoga together and focus on the direct experience of non-duality. [...]