All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Public Talk, Frankfurt

Compassion and Non-duality In buddhism compassion has different aspects - as aspiration, as focused activity and as an intrinsic quality of our buddha nature. We will look at each of these aspects and explore the non-duality of wisdom and compassion. N OTE: the venue has been changed from Tibet Haus to Saalbau Gallus

Public Talk, Frankfurt

Compassion and Non-duality In buddhism compassion has different aspects - as aspiration, as focused activity and as an intrinsic quality of our buddha nature. We will look at each of these aspects and explore the non-duality of wisdom and compassion. N OTE: the venue has been changed from Tibet Haus to Saalbau Gallus

Evening Talk. Frankfurt Tibethaus, 2018

James Low The nonduality of stillness and movement in mind, in dzogchen meditation. Stillness and movement are often seen as opposites, thus we feel still when we are not anxious or excited. Due to this there seems to be a need to avoid the turbulence of daily life if we want to be calm. Yet we need to work, maintain [...]

Evening Talk. Frankfurt Tibethaus, 2018

James Low The nonduality of stillness and movement in mind, in dzogchen meditation. Stillness and movement are often seen as opposites, thus we feel still when we are not anxious or excited. Due to this there seems to be a need to avoid the turbulence of daily life if we want to be calm. Yet we need to work, maintain [...]

Day Seminar. Frankfurt Tibethaus, 2018

James Low Relating to everyday complexity with the relaxed ease of our spacious mind. The focus is on integrating whatever arises in the openness of meditation. In this busy world it is easy to feel overwhelmed by complexity…there are just too many demands on our limited time! In fact our life is organised around our limitations…of time, money, health, interest, [...]

Day Seminar. Frankfurt Tibethaus, 2018

James Low Relating to everyday complexity with the relaxed ease of our spacious mind. The focus is on integrating whatever arises in the openness of meditation. In this busy world it is easy to feel overwhelmed by complexity…there are just too many demands on our limited time! In fact our life is organised around our limitations…of time, money, health, interest, [...]