All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Public Talk. Geneva

 The natural freedom of the mind. This will be followed by a two day teaching retreat, also in the Dojo, and is planned to coincide with a book launch for the French translation by Manon Widmer of James Low's book, "The Collected Works of C R Lama" 

Public Talk. Geneva

 The natural freedom of the mind. This will be followed by a two day teaching retreat, also in the Dojo, and is planned to coincide with a book launch for the French translation by Manon Widmer of James Low's book, "The Collected Works of C R Lama" 

Teaching and practice retreat. Geneva

The natural freedom of the mind. The view of dzogchen points to the intrinsic simplicity of awareness free of the turbulence of thoughts and emotions. We will practise the meditation that allows us to awaken to what is already here. This is a teaching and practice weekend retreat following on from the evening Public Talk on 18th March. It is planned to [...]

Teaching and practice retreat. Geneva

The natural freedom of the mind. The view of dzogchen points to the intrinsic simplicity of awareness free of the turbulence of thoughts and emotions. We will practise the meditation that allows us to awaken to what is already here. This is a teaching and practice weekend retreat following on from the evening Public Talk on 18th March. It is planned to [...]