All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

El espejo de significado claro. Seville

El espejo de significado claro: un tesoro espiritual dsogchen de Nuden Dorje Teaching and practice retreat. For more information or to book click here and here. 655 95 24 11 (Charo) 653 66 94 11 (Eduardo)

El espejo de significado claro. Seville

El espejo de significado claro: un tesoro espiritual dsogchen de Nuden Dorje Teaching and practice retreat. For more information or to book click here and here. 655 95 24 11 (Charo) 653 66 94 11 (Eduardo)

Teaching and practice retreat. Aracena, Spain

Commentary by James Low on the practice "El espejo de significado claro", a dzogchen terma text of Nuden Dorje. James asks people to please bring a copy of his book Aquí y Ahora so that they can follow the commentary. Flyer in Spanish Blog

Teaching and practice retreat. Aracena, Spain

Commentary by James Low on the practice "El espejo de significado claro", a dzogchen terma text of Nuden Dorje. James asks people to please bring a copy of his book Aquí y Ahora so that they can follow the commentary. Flyer in Spanish Blog

Dzogchen and psychotherapy, Barcelona

The space between and the space of the heart El espacio entre el terepeuta y el paciente y el espacio del corazón Space is a central aspect of Dzogchen Buddhist practice and, in a different way, it is also important in psychotherapy. The space between people can be experienced as linking or dividing. The space of the heart can feel [...]

Dzogchen and psychotherapy, Barcelona

The space between and the space of the heart El espacio entre el terepeuta y el paciente y el espacio del corazón Space is a central aspect of Dzogchen Buddhist practice and, in a different way, it is also important in psychotherapy. The space between people can be experienced as linking or dividing. The space of the heart can feel [...]

Awakening here and now: mahamudra retreat. Veciana, Oct 2022

Veciana Casal La Salle, Veciana, Barcelona, Spain

Awakening here and now: a mahamudra retreat. James Low James will be teaching using his book Sweet Simplicity.  This has been translated into Spanish by Mariana Orozco as Maravillosa Simplicidad. The teaching starts at 10 am on 3rd October and ends at 1pm on 9th October.  Some places are still available but please book soon (13 Sep 2022). A minibus [...]

Limitation is a Dream within the Ever-Open. Teaching retreat, Seville, 2024

Seville-Huelva s/n  Salesianos Sanlúcar la Mayor, Casa de Espiritualidad Juvenil Juan XXIII, Crta., Sevilla, Carr. Sevilla-Huelva, Spain

Limitation is a Dream within the Ever-Open. This 5 day retreat will focus on The Aspiration of Samantabhadra, a famous Tibetan text which clarifies the nature of the primordial ground and the two paths which arise from it. These are the paths of confusion and limitation and the path of liberation. There will be a clear introduction to the nature [...]