Natural freedom. Retreat, Badow, 2009

When we say we live in a state of absence, it doesn’t mean that we have lost something, but that we are absent from being present in what is here. James Low Download the Transcript in English Download the Transcript in Portuguese Badow, Poland, April 2009 Transcribed by Joanna Janiszewska-Rain Edited by James Low Extracts …I would imagine that for […]

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The Heart of Dzogchen. Eifel, Oct 2012

“What does it mean for me to be me? What is our real identity? Is our identity just what we take it to be – the narratives that we say about ourself – or is identity perhaps something different?

From the point of view of dzogchen, there are many ways to see the constructed way in which we create fantasies of identity about who we are. We may occupy them for some time, but then it becomes impossible to occupy them any more because the present becomes the past.

The present is always becoming the past, so what shall we rely on? This is the central question in dzogchen because if we rely on something unreliable we feel betrayed and we do not feel supported.”

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Dzogchen: Der ursprüngliche Zustand. Bilbao, 2009

James Low Bilbao-Retreat 18-19. April 2009 Download the Pdf Transkribiert von Jo Féat, redigiert von Barbara Terris Deutsch von Heike Drinkuth Auszüge …Eine der Funktionen von buddhistischer Praxis und buddhistischem Verständnis ist, dass wir anfangen, das Gespinst aus Annahmen zu erkennen, in dem wir leben. Je besser wir die Beschaffenheit dieses Gespinsts, dieses Kokons, durchschauen, umso leichter machen wir uns […]

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Start where you’ll finish. Public Talk, Szczecin, 2009

James Low Download the Public Talk Drzewo Życia Centre, Szczecin, Poland 6th May 2009 Translated and transcribed by Bartek Czajkowski Edited by Sarah Allen and James Low Extracts: … Dzogchen begins exactly where we are and doesn’t suggest that we should go somewhere else or do anything different. Rather we are invited to rest in a relaxed presence open to […]

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Brief notes on refuge and bodhicitta. Extract. Szczecin, 2009

James Low “Brief notes on refuge and bodhicitta” are taken from teachings given at the Drzewo Życia Centre, Szczecin, Poland, 7-8 May 2009 Translated and transcribed by Bartek Czajkowski Edited by Sarah Allen and James Low Read the transcript in English in German by Petra Niehaus in German by Vera Neuruth in Polish Extract In buddhism our practice begins with […]

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