All times refer to London time, unless otherwise stated.

Zoom organised for Kamalashila Institute

Emptiness, equanimity and kindness April 9, 7 - 8:30 pm (German time zone) with James Low When many people are suffering our hearts go out to them and we wish them well. This quality of kindness is vital to extend our connectivity beyond the people of our personal concern. However from the Buddhist point of view the power of kindness is [...]

Zoom organised for Kamalashila Institute

Emptiness, equanimity and kindness April 9, 7 - 8:30 pm (German time zone) with James Low When many people are suffering our hearts go out to them and we wish them well. This quality of kindness is vital to extend our connectivity beyond the people of our personal concern. However from the Buddhist point of view the power of kindness is [...]

Q&A 1st session

Please email your questions by 28th July to the Organisers who will co-ordinate them and forward them to James. If you send your questions in advance this gives him a chance to think about them and see if any common themes emerge. Thank you. To register please email the Organisers at

Q&A 2nd session

Please register here. Please email your questions beforehand to If you send your questions in advance this gives James a chance to think about them and see if any common themes emerge. Thank you. Good evening, dear friends!   Last Q&A session with James was so interesting and enriching. It is already available for those looking for the recording, here. Many [...]

Q&A 3rd session

Please  register here. German, Portuguese and Spanish Translation Rooms Please email your questions beforehand to If you send your questions in advance this gives James a chance to think about them and see if any common themes emerge. Good evening, dear friends!   Last Q&A session with James was so interesting and enriching. It is already available for those [...]

The Intrinsic freedom of the mind itself. Talk

James Low 10:30am-12:30pm Saturday September 5th (US California Time) 18:30 - 20:30 London Time There will be a 90 minute talk followed by 30 minutes for questions. The Intrinsic freedom of the mind itself Our mind is intrinsically clear, but becomes cluttered by thoughts. James Low will give an introduction to Dzogchen, and discuss the difference between the mind and [...]