
Sparks is a wide ranging collection of short writings by James Low and extracts from previous teachings. The focus is on the dzogchen approach of resting in intrinsic open awareness which is the radiance of our being.

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Guided meditations

James Low has made recordings of two short guided meditations (April 2020) for releasing stress and integrating stillness and movement. These are designed for people in the caring professions working long hours due to COVID-19 and who only have brief periods to practise. Each lasts 10 minutes. If you like to make use of the recordings then you can extend […]

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Geführte Meditation für Menschen in pflegerischen Berufen. German version.

5/4/20 Auf Wunsch von Giovanna Santoro von der Associatione Mudita in Mailand hat James Low Audioaufnahmen von zwei kurzen geführten Meditationen gemacht, um Stress abzubauen und Stille und Bewegung zu integrieren. Diese wurden für Menschen konzipiert, die in Pflegeberufen arbeiten. Sie können sie vielleicht nur für kurze Zeit üben, weil sie gerade sehr viel zu tun haben. Jede Meditation dauert […]

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Guided Meditation for people working in the caring professions.

James Low 5/4/20 At the request of Giovanna Santoro at Associatione Mudita of Milan I have made audio recordings of two short guided meditations for releasing stress and integrating stillness and movement. These were designed for people working in the caring professions. Since they are very busy at this time of the coronavirus they only have a brief periods to […]

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Nonsense questions and nonsense answers

This was dictated by CR Lama to me and typed up in Santiniketan. Only a few copies were printed. This one has remained in my papers since that time. However any trace of the presence of the Guru is a blessing. CR Lama’s way of speaking and behaving was quite unique. Without hesitation or doubt his mode was spontaneous and […]

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