Guided Meditation for people working in the caring professions.

James Low
At the request of Giovanna Santoro at Associatione Mudita of Milan I have made audio recordings of two short guided meditations for releasing stress and integrating stillness and movement. These were designed for people working in the caring professions. Since they are very busy at this time of the coronavirus they only have a brief periods to practise.
Each lasts 10 minutes. If you like to make use of the recordings then you can extend the periods of breathing and the periods of quiet sitting to suit the time available to you. Please share this with anyone whom you think it might benefit.

Thanks to DDCDich who has edited the first guided meditation record and stripped out the ringing phone in the background.

Thanks to Jayachitta, a German translation is available!

Guided meditation 1 Moving in stillness
Guided Meditation 2 Finding stillness in movement

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