The Mahamudra Middle Way of the Ganges. 23 verses taught by Tilopa to Naropa

“Twenty-three indestructible verses on mahamudra taught on the banks of the River Ganges by the master adept of mahamudra, Sri Tilopa, to the learned and accomplished Kashmiri pandit Naropa after he had accomplished the twelve demanding tasks. Great Naropa then transmitted it to the great king of translators Marpa Chokyi Lodro who translated it and finalised it at Naropa’s northern […]

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Me First! The story of why buddhas show wrathful forms.

This illustrated early Buddhist account follows the Buddhas’ responses to the rise of a demonic world dictator.  It illuminates how the will to power brings misery to many, as we see in the current political situation in Ukraine, in Gaza and in many other places. You can read more about it here and buy it here. It is currently being […]

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A Prayer for Peace

The prayer that James wrote in 2022 has now been translated by our SBSangha into Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese Russian, Spanish and Turkish. The latest translation is in Italian by Francesca in May when the bluebell woods were photographed by Marlis, spreading peace and sweetly scenting Kew Gardens. You can read them all here. In this timeless […]

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XR Buddhists

The XR Buddhists group, a subgroup of Extinction rebellion, asked James to write a prayer and he was happy to do that since he supports their active initiatives in response to climate and ecological emergencies. Prayer All compounded things are impermanent and arise due to the interplay of many factors. Like a wave emerging from the ocean, forms are here […]

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Video. World Education Conference. March 2024

James was asked to mbe one of the speakers at this conference. It may be especially interesting for people working in the field of education since “it highlights the need for play and relaxation to generate the open receptivity and responsivity which is the basis of life-affirming learning”.  

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