XR Buddhists

The XR Buddhists group, a subgroup of Extinction rebellion, asked James to write a prayer and he was happy to do that since he supports their active initiatives in response to climate and ecological emergencies.


All compounded things are impermanent and arise due to the interplay of many factors.

Like a wave emerging from the ocean, forms are here and then gone.

This world, this fragile patterning of the potential of the five elements, is like a mirage.

When we grasp at the ungraspable and try to define and control the flow we forget how to collaborate with it.

Due to this we act on the world as if it is separate from our own presence here and now.

Our experience is like a dream, precise, immediate yet ungraspable.

Whether we experience happy dreams or terrifying nightmares, may we not stray from the wisdom of emptiness and the kindness of infinite inclusion!

May we all we relax our grasping and awaken to the wonder of which we are a part!

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