Wisdom and compassion [04]. Macclesfield, 2006

Macclesfield, 5th May 2006 James Low “The two truths are explained: how it appears (the imagined illusion) and how things are (the ultimate truth). Real compassion arises from wisdom, i.e. from realising the ultimate truth and then helping others realise their true nature. To do this getting to know your own mind, letting go of the knot of dualism and not […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2005

Garab Dorje’s Three Points The audio records of the retreat held at the Kamalashila Institute in the Eifel Germany on 9-11 September 2005 are available to be listened directly on the player below. You can also read or download the transcript here.  

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2005

Dzogchen semdzin The retreat was held 28th April – 2nd May 2005 at the Kamalashila Institute in the Eifel, Germany. Click on the tracks below to start listening to James’ teachings.  

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Anxiety and doubt [03]. Macclesfield, 2005

Macclesfield, 26th Feb 2005 James Low You can read the transcript here. This is discussed in terms of the traditional Nyingmapa understanding of the nature of anxiety, how it develops, and its underpinning structure.  Then how meditation is used to cut the root of that anxiety and to work with everyday moments of anxiety and confusion is examined. Various meditations are […]

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