Finding freedom in the source, Todtmoos 2018

  Finding freedom in the source Retreat 8-10 June 2018 Todtmoos, Germany The familiar horizon established by our sense of self affords us a very limited sense of our own potential. Through awakening to the ground of being, the spacious awareness which pervades every aspect of our life, we can gain depth and light, freedom and easy communication with all […]

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Staying Sane in an Insane World. Freiburg, 2018

Public Talk 7 June 2018 Freiburg, Germany Staying Sane in an Insane World Buddhist teaching emphasises the impermanence of all phenomena. Our experience moment by moment is the ever-changing patterning of the happenstance of emergence. However our sense of self requires us to feel a degree of reliability and predictability in the patterning of our existence. Our ego self fears […]

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The natural condition and the state of delusion. Eifel 04.2018

James Low. 19-22 April 2018. Kamalashilashila Institute, the Eifel, Germany. James begins by speaking about what the experience is like to arrive somewhere, and who it is who arrives. This leads into a short meditation practice. The focus of the weekend is on using the dzogchen view to awaken to the inseparability of awareness and the openness of the ground. […]

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Depth and light. Warsaw, 2018

  James Low 26th and 27th Jan 2018 Warsaw Topic: Depth and light: exploring the ungraspable clarity of our mind. Friday was a public talk in Warsaw University. Saturday was a day of teaching. Warsaw, 2018 Organised by Konrad Świtała Translating by Joanna (Asia) Raniszewska-Rain Polish and English Download here.

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“Who am I?” Public Talk, London, 2018

Who am I? Buddhist approaches to the mystery of “me” being “me”. James Low Shang Shung Institute, London Public Talk. 18th January 2018 “The diverse buddhist lineages are united in seeing that suffering arises from us ignoring what is, and attaching to what is not. Once we attach to a sense of being a separate self – an individual with our own […]

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