Eifel Retreat Autumn 2013

The view and practice of trekcho We will focus on gaining direct experience of the open nature of the mind. We will do a range of practices including the semdzin exercises to develop non-conceptual experience. Read the transcripts here in English and German. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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The Two truths: a dzogchen view. Frankfurt, 1995

James Low Frankfurt, March 1995 Download PDF The Paradoxical Double-Move of Tantra The Teacher Student Relationship The Two Truths: Relative Truth and Absolute Truth Finding what is a good fit for you Pure Relative Truth Deconstructing our assumptions Impure Relative Truth: seeing things as real and attachment to them Dzogchen and the Two Truths Thoughts arising in Shamatha meditation Thoughts […]

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Getting the most out of life. Szczecin, 2012

Public Talk in Szczecin, Poland.  27 Jan 2012 English only Audio-edited by Anne Conn. Recorded by Bartek Czajkowski. “I would like to talk a little about some concepts from Tibetan buddhism and how they might be useful for us in dealing with the difficulties of life. There are many different kinds of buddhism in existence, which take up different positions […]

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In der Leere zu Hause. Stettin, 2009

James Low Lehrvortrag am DrzewoŻycia Zentrum, Stettin, Polen, 7.-8. Mai 2009 Herausgegeben von Sarah Allen und James Low. Übersetzt ins Deutsche von Vera Neuroth Download PDF Entspanne dich in deinen eigenen Grund, die naturgegebene Perfektion deiner eigenen Präsenz. Erfahre seine grenzenlose Unendlichkeit und erkenne durch sie hindurch, dass sie der Grund, die Quelle und das Feld einer jeglichen Erfahrung ist. […]

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Kurze Anmerkungen zu Zuflucht und Bodhicitta. Szczecin, 2009

James Low Auszüge von Belehrungen aus Szczecin, Polen, Drzewo Życia Zentrum, 7. –  8.Mai 2009 Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Petra Niehaus Download PDF Im Buddhismus fängt unsere Praxis damit an, dass wir Zuflucht nehmen zu Buddha, Dharma und Sangha, zu dem Erwachten, zu seinen Belehrungen und zu seinen erwachenden Schülern. Der Bedarf nach Zuflucht angesichts der allem unterliegenden Unsicherheit unserer gegenwärTgen […]

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Space, energy and imagination. Eifel, Spring, 2012

James Low Eifel Retreat, Germany, 12-15 April 2012 Transcribed by Anne Conn. Edited by Barbara Terris James’ poem “How to be Naked” was put to music and sung by the group at the end. Download PDF When you see images of the buddhas, their bodies are translucent. You can see right through them. That means ‘no secrets’. They’re not hiding their mobile phones […]

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