Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons. Frankfurt, 2019

Buddhist teaching day. Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons: the power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony and into the treacherous security of taking up a position. However equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way avoiding extremes. Poised, dynamically balancing according to circumstances yet without bias in any direction, it reveals the freedom not to be at the mercy of the afflictions.

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Dissolving the root of conflict and war. Emerson College UK, 2017

James Low begins by saying that we live in very troubled times and that over the next few days we will explore useful ways to participate in the world so that we reduce the amount of tension and anxiety that we feel and we can also promote a sense of peace. This retreat is one of the ‘Into the Wild’ gatherings which Huw Wyn organises in East Sussex and we are indeed going to go ‘into the wild’ because the wildest thing we will ever encounter is our own mind! And this is what we will be encountering here.

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2019

All that we know as subject and object arises in dependence on other manifestations which are also dependent, and so on in all directions forever. This is the play of the inseparability of emptiness and the creative effulgence of awareness. We will look at the deconstructive freshness of the Heart Sutra and relate it to the view of Dzogchen. It […]

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Meditation im Alltag. Teneriffa 2015

James Low Teneriffa, 22-24 Marz 2015 Retreat: Meditation integrieren mit all den Aktivitäten, denen wir uns widmen. Meditation befördert eine ruhige Klarheit, die uns ermöglicht, die Fülle der Welt zu schätzen, in der wir leben. Wir untersuchen den dzogchen-buddhistischen Blick auf das Leben und praktizieren gemeinsam Meditationen. Transcription Lea Pabst Revision Barbara Terris Translation into German A. Bihler Auszug … […]

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Awakening to awareness. Seville, 2019

  James Low Seville 28 Feb – 3 March 2019 Awakening to awareness. James taught from the terma “Don Sal Melong” by Nuden Dorje published in Being Right Here. You can watch the video recordings at https://vimeo.com/showcase/6019748 Download the audio files here Spanish and English. Spanish translation by Juan Bautista

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