Repelling all troubles. The Dokpa practice text

New Translation: En particular, podemos recitar los siguientes textos breves para avivar nuestra comprensión del Dharma y utilizar el poder de la no-dualidad expuesto en el Sutra del Corazón para repeler los engaños dualistas del agresor. Translated into Spanish by Isabel Defez. Uploaded 15 02 2023

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Summer in England

James will be teaching in England in the summer (similar to past years).             [su_youtube url=”” width=”400″ height=”240″]

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How can I tell when…?

Q.  How can I tell when new videos are added to James’ Youtube channel?   This is what I asked Pedro. And he replied: A.  While connected to your YouTube account, subscribe to James page and activate this little ring bell (top right)  to receive notifications about new published videos.

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Sweet Simplicity: Mahamudra doha songs

Sweet simplicity: mahamudra doha songs. James Low.  (Simply Being, UK, 2022) ISBN:‏  9781739938154 The beautiful brief Buddhist songs in this book point towards the inexpressible sweet simplicity of our own minds. This simplicity is usually obscured by the complexity of our reified experience and the conceptual elaboration we employ to try to work out who we are and what our […]

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Praying for Peace

New Translation: The latest translation of James’ Prayer for Peace is in Italian, Preghiera per la Pace, translated by Francesca. Uploaded 05 05 2024. It is now translated by SBSangha into Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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A Prayer for Peace

Translations: This prayer for peace has moved individuals to come forward with translations in Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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