Me First! An account of the rise of the Wrathful Buddhas

Me first! An account of the rise of the Wrathful Buddhas. James Low (Simply Being, UK, 2022)  ISBN: 9780956923981 Hardback. Text by James Low. Illustrations by Diana Collins. This is a traditional Tibetan epic tale of the havoc created by the arrogant  entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!”.  When pride turns demonic, the Buddhas manifest many faces of kindness (both peaceful […]

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Aspiring for the Truth of Mahamudra. Prayer by Rangjung Dorje, the 3rd Karmapa

James Low gave a weekend of Zoom teachings on this prayer on 3-4 Dec 2022. For the teaching the prayer was translated into Portuguese and Polish since his book Sweet Simplicity has not been translated into these languages. This prayer is Section 3 of the book Sweet Simplicity. Robert Jaroslawski has translated Sweet Simplicity into German as Einfach so… (Khampa Verlag Freiburg und Eckernförd, […]

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Retreat: Opening to our open source. Kraków, 2022

Opening to our open source: living with wisdom and kindness. Awakening to the simplicity of moment by moment experience. James Low Includes a commentary on various verses in the book Being Right Here 23-25 Sep 2022 Kraków, Poland Teaching Weekend. Retreat: This event were organised by Patrycja Żyła and the Polish translator is Bartek Czajkowski. Recorded by Robert Hnat. Download […]

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Summer Retreat: Finding the source of infinite love. Sussex, 2022

Finding the source of infinite love. James Low Chiddinglye Estate, West Hoathly East Grinstead, Sussex, UK 28-31 July 2022 The publicity for the retreat said that: “… we will practise seeing the illusory nature of the limiting concepts which situate us in partiality. In this way we will open ourselves to the infinite expanse of inclusive awareness and thereby free […]

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Can’t afford to buy James’ Books?

Please remember that thanks to the generous intention of one of James’ students we have a sponsored book fund. Please apply to it if needed.  For the Zoom teachings and the forthcoming refuge, vow and initiation please especially buy Radiant Aspiration, Sweet Simplicity (will be available also in Polish in the new year) and Being Guru Rinpoche. Click each link […]

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