Eifel Retreat Autumn 2008

Integration of dharma: being with others The audio recordings of the retreat held in the Eifel, Germany, in the 2-5 October 2008 are available on the player below. You can read the transcript here.

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2006

The retreat held in Eifel on 19-22 October 2006 is available to be listened on our online player.  Press play on the tracks below to start listening. Extract: A key thing in dzogchen is to maintain the focus on being present and to understand what that means. When we do a practice like calming the mind, in which we meditate […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2005

Garab Dorje’s Three Points The audio records of the retreat held at the Kamalashila Institute in the Eifel Germany on 9-11 September 2005 are available to be listened directly on the player below. You can also read or download the transcript here.  

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2005

Dzogchen semdzin The retreat was held 28th April – 2nd May 2005 at the Kamalashila Institute in the Eifel, Germany. Click on the tracks below to start listening to James’ teachings.  

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