Extracts from the Happy Twins retreat in the Eifel 2019

This 9 day retreat was transcribed by Jo Feat. Barbara Terris pulled out and prepared various extracts which have been checked by Judith Way. You can read each extract by clicking on the links below. Clear Light Climate Change Compassion Dana, Generosity, Participating Drenpa, Recollection Five Questions about the Mind Introducing the Padmasambhava Practice Meditation Advice Only Surface Q&As Shine […]

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Sweet Simplicity. Audio. Berghof, July 2022

Teachings and retreat on Mahamudra Doha Songs 4-12 July 2022. James taught referring to his new 2022 book “Sweet simplicity: Mahamudra doha song”. It was held at Retreathouse Berghof, on the outskirts of Wiesen city, a small village in the Spessart Nature Park, in Germany. It was organised by Martin and Birgit Brüger of Tibethaus. “We find ourselves in the […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2019

The Happy Twins Dzogchen and Mahamudra are harmoniously complementary. Their evocative styles offer us beautiful metaphors which can sweetly and poetically ease us out of our rigid concepts. The retreat was focussed on two texts, the Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a dzogchen treasure text from Nuden Dorje Drophen Lingpa Drolo Tsal, and the Mahamudra Upadesha by Tilopa. The Nuden Dorje […]

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Letting the mind settle. Todtmoos, June 2019

James Low 28-30 June 2019. Todtmoos, Germany Retreat: Letting the mind settle English and German Audio recording and translation by Robert Jaroslawski Audio edited by Joe Peet Video recording at Vimeo. Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05 Part 06 Part 07 Part 08 Part 09 Part 10 Download the audio files here

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2019

All that we know as subject and object arises in dependence on other manifestations which are also dependent, and so on in all directions forever. This is the play of the inseparability of emptiness and the creative effulgence of awareness. We will look at the deconstructive freshness of the Heart Sutra and relate it to the view of Dzogchen. It […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2018

Intrinsic purity and purity through purification This nine-day retreat took place between 6th October and 14th October 2018. During the retreat James considered various texts with regard to the aspect of purification: The Heart Sutra (Saturday – Sunday) The Meditation and mantra recitation of Prajnaparamita, Mother of All the Buddhas, from Gonpo Wangyal (Sunday, Friday) The Evocation of Samantabhadra (Monday-Tuesday) […]

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