Me First! An account of the rise of the Wrathful Buddhas

Me first! An account of the rise of the Wrathful Buddhas. James Low (Simply Being, UK, 2022)  ISBN: 9780956923981 Hardback. Text by James Low. Illustrations by Diana Collins. This is a traditional Tibetan epic tale of the havoc created by the arrogant  entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!”.  When pride turns demonic, the Buddhas manifest many faces of kindness (both peaceful […]

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O Poder Curativo da Vacuidade

Uma Coletânea de Textos Dzogchen A MJ Editora inicia a pré-venda do seu segundo livro do professor James Low traduzido para o português: “O Poder Curativo da Vacuidade – Uma Coletânea de Textos Dzogchen”. Este livro nos trás a visão Dzogchen sobre os processos da vida cotidiana numa linguagem simples, acessível e direta desses ensinamentos. Nos mostra, dentre outras coisas, […]

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Buddha shows the way: a collection of public talks and teachings

James Low (Simply Being, UK, May 2022) Kindle Paperback ISBN: 979-8825841762 Kindle ebook ASIN: B0B1N8PJ83 It is being translated into Spanish by Mariana Orozco, 2023. Buddha Shows The Way is translated into Russian by Marina Samarina, 2024. Click here Будда указывает путь for the  EPub version and here for PDF version. This book contains a selection of edited public talks […]

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Staying open and relaxed in times of war and conflict. Zoom, Feb. 2022

New German Translation. Offen und entspannt bleiben in Zeiten von Krieg und Konflikt. Übersetzung von Robert Jaroslawski (Danke an Karin Jaroslawski für Korrekturen!) Uploaded 21 Jan 2023
New Spanish Translation: Se trata de un relato que proviene de un texto clásico tibetano que puedes encontrar en la sección 4 de mi libro anterior, This is it , y trata sobre el origen de Heruka. Uploaded 12 Feb 2023.

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