Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons. Frankfurt, Oct 2019

James Low Public Talk Tibethaus, Frankfurt.17/10/2019 Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons The power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony into the treacherous security of taking up a position. Equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way, […]

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Relax and release. Teaching weekend. Geneva, 2019

James Low Geneva, 6-7 June 2019 Teaching Weekend. Relax and release Exploring the nature of attachment and how to release it. James makes reference to a short text by Maitripa, ‘A Brief Exposition of Mahamudra’ which forms chapter 12 of his book, Simply Being. Organised by Manon Widmer Recorded by Cyril Obadia English only. Download the audio files from Saturday […]

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Balance in turbulent times [20]. Macclesfield, 2019

Equanimity:finding balance in a turbulent world. Macclesfield, 22-24 February 2019 James Low Charles Lomas organised this annual teaching weekend for the Kun-Pan Ling Buddhist group in Macclesfield. Précis: Attempts to withdraw from turbulence or to control the mind are actions which increase our sense of separation. The mahayana view looks at how our mind is, rather than focusing on its […]

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The Heart of the matter is the open mind. Oxford, 2018

James Low Teaching weekend: The heart of the matter is the open mind Lady Margaret College, Oxford. 1-2 Dec 2018 Organised by Giovanni Maschio Recorded by Tim Stone Although we rely on our mind in every aspect of our lives, the mind itself is rarely the focus of our interest and attention. Meditation is a simple yet profound way to get to […]

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Love and compassion. Emerson College, 2018

James Low Emerson College, East Sussex, UK. June 14-17, 2018 Love and compassion are the sweet breath of non-duality: The openness of non-duality underlies every aspect of our life experience and yet it is hidden by our busy attempts to improve our situation. Meditation as a way of loosening the bonds of duality will be the central practice. This annual […]

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