The Expansive oral instructions of … Chetsangpa Ratna Sri Buddhi

Translated by James Low and included in his book Simply Being in Part 1: The Translations.  These revised translations (with notes) were prepared for Zoom teachings in 2021. Extract Although one may have great faith in and longing for the dharma, if one does not meet with an accomplished guru, then the dharma that one practises will be difficult to […]

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Prayer. Homage to Chenrezi

Hri. Looking with great kindness on all beings who wander in the six realms of samsara,
you hold all sentient beings in mind with your love and compassion. Father who gives
rise to all the buddhas of the three times, Arya Chenrezi we bow to you!

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Patrul Rinpoche’s commentary on Garab Dorje’s Three Statements

Audio record of the Zoom broadcast 4-5 July 2020 James Low teaches using his revised translation of the Patrul Rinpoche text, which is Chapter 11 in his book Simply Being. The text is by Patrul Rinpoche and is a commentary on Garab Dorje’s Three Statements that hit the Key Points. Patrul Rinpoche’s commentary is called The Special teaching of Khepa […]

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