Collection of only English [EN] Videos starting from 2006

All YouTube videos are here summarized as playlists.Click on the link “Play Video” to watch the recordings. Click on this link for all online Zoom video records. Kindness, fellow feeling and the common weal [EN] Macclesfield, Jan-Feb 2020 Excerpts from “Equanimity: finding balance in a turbulent world.” [EN] Macclesfield, February 2019 The natural condition and the state of delusion [EN] […]

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Seeing clearly, acting gracefully. Todtmoos, 2016

James Low Retreat, 3-5 June 2016 Todtmoos, Germany Translator: Robert Jaroslawski German and English This can also be watched on video. Seeing clearly, acting gracefully. “Buddhist texts suggest that we function under the power of obscuration, veils within us due to which, although our eyes are dulled and opaque, we believe that we see clearly. Two main types of obscuration are described, those […]

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Being right here. Badowo, 2016

6-8 May 2016, Badowo, Poland The retreat teachings are based on James Low’s book, Being Right Here which is available in Polish as Byc tu i teraz. Polish and English Translator: Bartłomiej Czajkowski Audio recording:  Janek Szlagowski   Download here

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Commentary on the text “The Mirror of clear meaning”. Aracena, 2016

28 April – 2 May 2016 Aracena (near Seville), Spain James Low Commentary on the text “The Mirror of clear meaning“, a dzogchen terma text of Nuden Dorje. The text can be read in James Low’s book “Being right here“, translated into Spanish by Marta Pérez-Yarza as  “Aquí y Ahora“. Spanish translation by Juan Bautista Audio edited by Eduardo Polonio Download […]

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The Mirror of luminous revelation. Aracena, 2016

This text comes from Nuden Dorje, the first incarnation of my own teacher, C R Lama. We believe that Nuden Dorje was himself an incarnation of one of the close disciples of Padmasambhava, and that Padmasambhava came directly from the pure heart of Amitabha.
Buddhist texts often include a history of how the text arose, from whom, where and when. To say that a text came directly from Padmasambhava or from the mind of another great teacher, what does this mean? Why should we trust it? Who should we trust? You come here and I am telling you a lot of things. Why should you trust me? If you trust there is a chance you will be cheated, but if you don’t trust it’s difficult to proceed.

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Why emptiness is liberating. London, 2016

James Low,  teaching in London on 25 February 2016 at the invitation of Shang Shung Institute. “Awakening to the fact of there being nothing frees us from the endless quest for something. Our problem is the seeming ‘thing-ness’ of things, our sense that we exist as some-‘thing’ in a world of many different ‘things’. The reification which imputes a real […]

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A Maravilha de ser. Berlim, 2016

James Low Palestra. Berlim, Alemanha 29 de Janeiro de 2016 Traduzido para o Português por João Vale Neto Download the PDF Assista ao vídeo em inglês e alemão Para mim, eu me lembro de subir em árvores. Eu posso lembrar de correr vale acima na Escócia. Esses são pensamentos prazerosos para um velho homem! Agora, eu não tenho desejo de […]

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