Ground, Path and Result in Dzogchen. Video of Zoom workshop

James Low 8-10 October 2020. Lecture and Day and a half workshop Zoom teaching Organised by Tibethaus, Frankfurt. English only. Ground, Path and Result in Dzogchen: The “ground” is the ever-present inner openness/emptiness of our mind. The “path” consists in waking up to this openness and staying with it so that it becomes our living presence. The “goal” (result) is […]

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Love your mother. Video of Zoom Teaching. Oct 2020

James Low teaching on 3-4 October 2020 In this life a woman gave birth to you. You call that woman your mother. She has given you a great gift yet you will die. However you have another mother, a mother you have never met yet who is never apart from you. This is your intrinsic mother who has never given […]

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Dissolving the enemies of love. Zoom, September 2020

We are all familiar with the hopes and fears inseparable from romantic love. However the Buddhist view of love is expressed as “May all beings be happy and have the cause of happiness.” This aspiration is inclusive and infinite. It is offered equally to all beings without reference to the qualities we perceive in them. To achieve this warm equanimity […]

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