
Joining in tasks

This website, the videos and all the SB Sangha activities function only because of the voluntary participation of all many people. People help in so many ways, preparing texts, organising retreats, making and preparing audio and video recordings, transcribing, translating, managing the website and social media,  and so on.

Avoiding duplication of effort

Sometimes people are inspired to transcribe or translate something that that they see or hear on the website. However it could be that another person has already done it or is working on it. So before you start please ask me and I can let you know if anyone else has started to work on it. That way you won’t be duplicating effort. I can also give you our formatting guidelines. On the other hand, if you just enjoy doing it for its own sake, then that is fine too. Barbara

Working for Dharma

Click here to read what James wrote in May 2020 in the hope that it  helps all of us as we work on various dharma projects. 

Got a good idea?

Recently someone has been transcribing the Q&A Zoom sessions for his own benefit but then he thought other people might also find them helpful. So he suggested preparing them, using EPUB. James thought that was a good idea and Q&A sessions 1-5 will soon be available (June/July 2023) as a Kindle ebook, with others to follow.

Feedback and contact

Your feedback on the website and your suggestions are appreciated. Here’s how to make contact: If you would like to get involved please contact Barbara or Chris.

  1. Technical issues, such as lost links should be raised directly with the Webmaster.
  2. Offers to help, to transcribe, to translate or make comments about the content of the website go through Barbara Terris.She is the hub of this website and all material content needs to go through her.
  3. To contact James directly go through the Contact Form on the website.

Active Groups

Click to find out about ongoing Discussion/Study Groups and Practice Groups. 




  • Célia Varela Bezerra

    Um encontro necessário.

  • barbara

    Gkad you approve! Barbara

  • barbara

    Sorry, that should read “Glad you approve!”. I have had some feedback from people who did not notice how to vary the amount and how to change the currency but hopefully it is clearer now. Barbara