Keep it simple: dzogchen in daily life. Brighton, May 2007

Because our life is nothing but moments, events, arising and passing, arising and passing. All that we’ve ever done is gone. Our childhood is gone. We can remember it, we can tell stories about it, but it’s gone. Even our breakfast is gone. Everything is gone. If we really see that, then when we tell people about ourselves, about our past, we’re just inviting them to fall asleep with us. We’re saying, ‘I had a lovely dream, let me share it with you. You can fall asleep in my dream for a while and then, because I believe in reciprocity, I’ll fall asleep in yours.’

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2019

The Happy Twins Dzogchen and Mahamudra are harmoniously complementary. Their evocative styles offer us beautiful metaphors which can sweetly and poetically ease us out of our rigid concepts. The retreat was focussed on two texts, the Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a dzogchen treasure text from Nuden Dorje Drophen Lingpa Drolo Tsal, and the Mahamudra Upadesha by Tilopa. The Nuden Dorje […]

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