Compassion. Berlin Dzogchen Retreat, 1994

My own teacher said to me again and again, “Nothing is special. It’s all just the same.” And if one gets the point of this, one actually realizes it as a living practice. And then compassion towards all sentient beings is maintained by exactly not acting in a way that pays attention to what they identify as the specific causes […]

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The Healing power of praying and doing Padmasambhava practice. Berlin, 1996

Padmasambhava and Healing Retreat, Berlin, 11-12 May 1996 James Low Download the PDF Transcribed by Liz Fox Unedited Excerpts  “…Padmasambhava goes through Tibet and he finds demons and he blasts them away. Everywhere in Tibet he puts everything under his power. He’s the tough guy, a real Rambo man! But we have to remember his name is Padmasambhava. “Sambhava” means […]

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Discovering the natural state [1]: Using refuge and meditation on the breath to discover the natural state. Bremen, June 1995

We will look at the nature of the mind, an idea which belongs primarily within Buddhist yogacara philosophy. I want to first set out two basic positions about looking into our experience of being alive in the world, and then relate that to the methods of meditation. James Low Download PDF Karma Thegchen Chö Ling, Bremen, Germany 17-18 June 1995 […]

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Wisdom and compassion: 'I should phone my mother'. Bremen Oct 1994

How do wisdom and compassion inform us in our ordinary human relationships, both formal and informal? We might start with a question. Do human beings, do we as human beings, know how to behave to each other? JAMES LOW Download the PDF Karma Thegchen Chö Ling Dharma Centre, Bremen, Germany 15 October 1994 Transcribed by Liz Fox Not Edited Excerpts […]

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